
Feb 06, 2009 01:35

Meme stolen from inner_justin and buckeye5.

1. Ever been to a strip club? Nope, though I have been places where people on stage stripped in public. Does that count?

2. Ever been to a bar? Several

3. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? No, though there was this one time in Dublin where a friend and I were dancing on a table and she kicked someone's beer off of it and I was pretty sure we were gonna.

4. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? I'm pretty sure I've either passed out and stayed or managed to still be on my own two feet.

5. Kissed someone of the same sex? Nope.

6.Thrown up from drinking too much? Yes. Word to the wise, never let your two best guy friends think they are each the only one mixing you gin and tonics. And don't decide that finishing off that last inch or so of the gin bottle in one gulp is a good idea.

7. Had sex in a car? Fooled around, no actual sex though.

8. Had sex in a park? Yeah, but we were camping, so I don't know if it really counts.

9. Had sex in a cinema? No.

10. Had sex in a bathroom? In the shower yes. Though not in my dorm's communal shower, contrary to certain persons' beliefs.

11. Had sex at work? No, but I've made out in the office I work in.

12. Have you ever been to an adult store? Yes, many times. Went with a bunch of friends to celebrate my 18th birthday in fact.

13. Bought something from an "adult" store? Yes, many items.

14. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? I honestly couldn't say.

15. Have you ever had a threesome? No.

16. Are your breasts real? Or... how long is your cock? Real and awesome, if I may say so myself.

17. Have you ever kissed a stranger? No.

18. Does anyone have naughty pics of you? Yes. I modeled for an erotic art show, so pretty much half my school has seen me scantily clad.

19. Ever had oral sex in a nightclub? No.

20. Ever had sex with someone you met through Myspace? I don't even have a myspace any more, so no.


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