Our cat Jonesie is showing us his rightous indignations....
Yesterday evening, my daughter was doing a load of her own laundry in the downstairs laundry room beneath the stairwell when low and behold, she had heard a rustling of sorts and "thought" she saw a black kitten...so she trilled and as it turns out, there was a wet, frightened kitten all the way in the back of the stairwell behind the neighbors' kids' bicycles. The poor little kitten came out so you must know what happened next. My daughter comes up the steps and calls to me from the front balcony.....Mom....three guesses what I've found and the first two don't count. I had not planned on having any pets for a while when Jonesie showed up about 8 months ago. Now someone had to have put this kitten into the laundryroom/stairwell. It's a boy, thank goodness, he's all black save for sparse white fur bits here and there...and he has some scars on him as well....but he cannot be more than 8 weeks old poor thing.
We fed him slowly and carefully because he is very thin and looks like he has not eaten a meal in several days. He's been drinking lots of water and he was very tired last night but I could not get him to sleep for any length of time even when I was cuddling him under my chin....his favorite spot...beneath my hair...ok...so I love cats *LOL*
Today I bought kitten forumla and baby flaked cereal, rice, and made a thin mixture which he enjoyed and he loves tuna as well as kitten dry cat food, something else we bought today. My hubby has named him Quincy...looks like he's going to stay a while with us *grin*
There is an animal aid non-profit organization and we've e-mailed them for help. He's going probably need all shots and then we will have him neutered. They have a program available.
At first thought, I really didn't want another cat in the house and Jonesie is walking around with rightous indignations...especially since Quincy has regained enough strength today to want to play for a bit and I gave him Jonesie's cat toy which is a long strip of natural leather tied on the end of an acrylic stick of sorts. Needless to say, Jonesie's nose is out of joint and when he sees little Quincy, he hisses but Quincy just looks at him like he's crazy *LOL*
I really hope that Jonesie doesn't decide to feel that we don't want him anymore and runs off. He got out last week and was gone a couple of days but he returned to us and we were really worried something terrible had happened to him. Turns out that the weather was cool and he just wanted to go for a jaunt.
My daughter has made all the usual 14 year old promises to feed and care for Quincy but I know better. I know that I will be the one taking care of him most all the time *LOL* I can't help it. I can't stand to see an animal go hungry or be neglected, not even by my kids just being normal teenage irresponsible. So while she is in school, I take care of him and when she comes home from school we'll see if she chooses to take care of him. She has expressed a very strong desire to keep him and she has put a litter box in her room along with food and water for him. She's even made a bed for him as well and had him with her last night cuddling. So who knows....maybe she will keep the promise.
Quincy is absolutely adorable and purrs in anticipation of our giving him lovins. He rolls on our feet, rolls onto his back for a belly rub, rubs against our legs, and he nushes against us. He is extremely friendly. He had to have been dumped in the stairwell. The door is kept locked except when laundry is being done so while the door was open, someone had to have placed him in there. He startles a bit at noise so I doubt he would have ventured into the laundryroom on his own as the floor is often wet.
But he's found us now and he's spent some time today ambling around the house and exploring. He's getting his strength back and is very playful. I still want him to rest for a few days as he's been through quite an ordeal even though he seems to be very resiliant to what's happened to him and is thin from probably starvation.
So....I guess we have a new family member....and a very cute, sweet, and cuddly early Christmas present. I wonder if he will take to the big cat house we have....Jonesie didn't like it and doesn't bother with it. Maybe Quincy will like it *grin*....there's a nice long scratching post for him!!