I "think" I'm Back

Nov 30, 2006 13:03

It's been a very lllllllllloooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time since I have posted in my LJ.

So I will cut to the chase *LOL*

I WENT BACK TO WORK last year....yes, alas the day arrived August 15, 2005. Between work and teenagers with hubby, my life has been very busy. It's been so busy that my domain expired and my dolling site along with my graphics site were closed. I was unable to keep up the pace. To make time management worse, I am currently inquiring about Bachlor degree programs as this has been a dream of mine, to complete my Bachlor's and Master's degrees. My two youngest teenagers will finish High School wihin the next 2 years so I am looking forward to going back to school myself.

For all of my The Underground sisters who were left hanging on the Max and Katie saga, well, after 2 years of being together, the inevitable happened, they broke up. Max, is, well, Max and being that he is a grown man going on 22 years of age, there is nothing more a mother can do to pursuade him to "do the right thing" so I have been able to peacefully "let him go" to live his life. Oh, make no mistake, he calls an average of 4 times a week to tell me his tales and woes. But, I have left him upon the door step of the "school of hard knocks" and I pray for him each day as I do for all my beloved ones who are so dear to me. I think one of the best decisions he has made for himself was to enter Job Corp in Reno, NV. I am hoping and praying that he actually completes the two years he has remaining there. When he reaches the age of 24, there will be no Job Corp options for him. He talks about completing and going forward to college but with Max, I have learned that his talk can be cheap. I just wait and see. Moreover, I give him my love and great support with his decision to be in Job Corp.

Vinny Jr has made incredible positive strides with great progress in his life since he was re-united with his father. He will be 18 in March, 2007. He has been migrated from his special school to regular high school and he is making A's and B's in regular classes. WHOOT!!! All the sacrifice, pain, and suffering a mother can endure is truly worth every single moment when your child comes through the struggles of disability whether it be physical or emotional. Both his step father and I walked through the fires together with his siblings and our 6'3" tall Vinny Jr has worked very hard with us. He is unlike anyone I have ever known in my life and he has returned to us having regained the sweet spirited sensitive soul of whom he was born to be. It has been an 8 year battle and I would have not missed it for all the world. God sent me a troubled spirited child and we have stood by Vinny Jr, my faith having been tested time and again, and Vinny Jr is going to have a happy and healthly life. Our prayers have not gone in vain nor have they been unanswered.

Felicia has been loving JROTC for the past two years along with her secondary love for culinary arts. Yes, my very opinionated vocal daughter is a cadet officer, 1st Sgt, and she has already received 14 ribbons to display proudly on her uniform. She is also ranking commander of both the Color Guard and Drill teams. But, she has finally chosen to toss away her boy clothes and don girl clothes....yes....she is wearing girl clothes at 16 going on 17 this May, 2007. I am glad of her tomboy years because as a young woman, she is very strong, determined, goal setting, go getting and yet, a very compassionate person. She had demoted herself from Cadet Captain because she wanted to experience every officer rank. She plans on being the Batalion Commander in her senior year which is the highest rank of the cadet status. I am very proud of her accomplishments and she stands in no shadows but in her own light. She is a bright, shining star.

Michael is coming through his own personal struggles, mainly his relationship or lack of one with his biological father. He struggles with his anger regarding his father and it has taken some toll on the family, especially physical tolls on Felicia. However, he did join up with JROTC for this school year and having a sister as a high ranking officer above him I believe has helped him in many ways. She longs to coach him and be a sister to him but he wants to do this on his own. It's been tough for her to let go and "let Michael" but she is learning to stay out of his business and he is learning to stay out of hers *LOL* Michael has a big plus in that his relationship with his step father is very real. Michael considers Justin his father and wants Justin to adopt him when he is 18. He has already picked out a new name for himself. He wants his name to be Christopher, the original name I wanted to name him at birth which is also his middle name. Justin is always patient and every present. He has a beautiful way of reaching Michael and it's a thing called "love". Michael is going through that boys phase of separation from mom so I am very glad that Justin and he are so very close. They have many "man to man" talks and Michael loves Justin dearly.

As for hubby and I, well, that's another journal entry for another day *LOL* I will write more later today as I have been home sick with strep throat this week and I have only come back online last night after an absence of about 1 and one half years off the internet. Withdraw? Nawwww *LOL*............
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