Lovin my shades. I got 2 cute purses too. Birthdays are the best cause I can shop guilt free, since the money was never mine to begin with.:-D
I interrupt your reading to tell you Conan and Trumpster almost just made me pee.
a quick update on me, since wondering about me is probably turning you all into insomniacs....
school... 4.0 this semester. going through my classes and making sure the scheduels i'm makin will be enough credits to transfer to WCU in fall '06
family... each stupid petty thing they do, fight, whatever.. gives me more and more motivation to get out of this hell.
Job... can't get one yet, the next heading will explain that.
Health... i have mono. i got it from sharin a soda with my friend mel. she had it like 2 winters ago, but apparently it stays in your system?? so it could've been her, or some weird person at school? but i'd rather share germs with a friend than a stranger, so let's hope it was her. I'm achy, tired, yet i stay up late, sleep all day, and my appitite is whack. but maybe i'll lose more weight without effort?
Body... as of recently i've officially lost 35 lbs since last july. i'm hopin to make it a nice round 40 by this july. once im over this mono crap i'll get back to my diet and gym stuff. yes i'm stayin healthy.
Men... meh. dated a guy from feb to ap. no i don't wanna talk about it tonight.
Friends... i'm not gonna lie. i'm pretty lonely with this whole i'm sick thing, and all my friends are in relationships blah blah. but i don't wanna whine tonight.
k i lost my momentum. maybe i'll start writing more, since i'm home all the time, and i don't have another class till mid july.
Peace and love my babies.
PS oh good god. a guy, i "flung" with over a yr ago... im'ed me {we talk occasionally} and since i took these pics tonight i offered up a new one, and good god he looks fantastic. good thing i'm contagious cause i doubt i'd have the will power tonight.