Title: Wallpapers [Dean/Castiel, Lucifer]
bellajayd Rating: PG
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: YES! Spoilers for Season 5 casting. But I've included a link so you don't have to see the spoilery wallpaper.!
Warnings: None. Safe for work. Spoilers might be in the comments!
Notes: 1 Dean/Castiel, 3 Dean, 1 Lucifer wallpaper. Was just reading some interesting quotes and then this happened.
quote from the Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil.
With fading if you like it.
quote by Pearl Buck.
quote by Anonymous.
quote by me though I'm certain its not original!
Click on the picture for larger image.
No hot linking!! Right click + Save is your friend.
x posted to
spn_lucifer and