Summary: Crowley pops up to help the boys find Pestilence, because they really want to ask him where he bought such a snazzy ring. Dean collects more super friends . . . who all hate Sammy aka the Abomination. Speaking of Sammy, it turns out that - wait for it - all of his life has been manipulated by supernatural forces, including (but not restricted to) a demon posing as his BFF and introducing him to Jess while in college. SHOCK. Anyway, all hope is not lost in this episode and Bobby is about to give Crowley a little tongue in return for finding Death's location.
First: So, it think it's super interesting that Pestilence is not responsible for spreading anything other than H1N1. I really thought that he was organically responsible for Croatoan and not that it was a virus created by demons. That's some food for thought.
Second: It was interesting to see a few "Doublemint Twin" moments come from Sam and Dean. For me that kinship of mind demonstrates that they're finally back on track; they have the same goals and desires.
Third: Crowley is amazing. In every single way. He completes me. Really. CROWLEY I ♥ YOU
::tosses panties::
I mean it. That demon is so in touch with his gay side, he's groping Boy George. Grope on good Sir, grope on!
Fourth: Speaking of gay, did we all notice how ass focused this episode was? I mean, Brady was threatening Dean's ass . . . Crowley bemoaned getting his ass kicked . . . Sam acted like an ass.
Fifth: I loved the idea of Brady and not just because he reminds me of Captain America and Cap reminds me of Tony, which reminds me of CapandTony.
Okay, that might have a little bit to do with it.
Anyway, so Brady was awesome because his Evil Move!(tm) meant to strike fear into the heart of all viewers. . . was to make a bunch of Newton's Balls, but I'm not saying that ticky balls move. Yep. I am so terrified. Or not. Erm. I guess after 5 seasons they've run out of terrifying imagery? Ticky balls, the new burning-woman-on-the-ceiling!
Though, if I really wanted to read into the action - Ticky balls demonstrate one of Newton's Laws of Physics (the conservation of momentum and energy). Thus, by making only one of the ticky balls move, Brady was going against nature - in fact he was superseding it . . . my God . . . it was super natural. In sum, TICKY BALLS: RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN.
Sixth: OMG, Sam is next gen Bobby!!! Why have I never seen this before?! And look, Sam's totally unjustifiable arrogance has shown up again. Gee, I missed it so. Or, you know, not. Ummm, did those two brain cells that Sam has been rubbing together lately finally give up and die? I mean, what's up with the total personality regression.
Seventh: Also, Dean by firelight is fucking gorgeous. Just when I thought I'd seen all the pretty there was to be seen. I suppose the Power of the Pretty explains why Dean has a veritable entourage of super natural creatures that are willing to follow him to the death and are all united in their hate of the Abomination, I mean, Sammy. We have Crowley, and Cas . . . and I'm sure Kali is going to pop back into the game one day. Wow. Soon he'll have as many followers as he does cool titles (aka the Righteous Man, aka True Servant of Heaven, etc . . .).
Eighth: Lovers in League Against Satan.
Finally: I like how all of this is building up. Everything is tying together nicely and Team Free Will has a decent plan and chance of actually tossing Luci back into Hell. Which makes Biblical sense. The Apocalypse doesn't happen in one fell swoop ya know. After Luci breaks free, he roams around for 6 months and then an angel falls and locks him in Hell . . . from the inside, his sacrifice pauses the Apocalypse for 1,000 years - and during that time humanity is put through a bunch of awful trials. I just hope that, like all other Biblical things, Show will totally pervert this idea because the only angel on the verge of falling is Caaaaaaaaaaaaas.
Extra: To make up for the fact that I didn't post a review last week, I'm leaving you with a rec for a series that contains Dean/Cas and Sam/Gabriel that you all have to read. Now, it gets dark at times - but you know I love my happy endings. Also, the Gabriel in this fic is the Gabriel you thought we were gonna get - Warrior of God - but just as obsessed with our lil' Anti-Christ that Couldn't! It's a trilogy (each "book" novel length) that follows the life and times of the Winchester Bros as they fall in love during the Apocalypse. Great stories, wonderful plots, and enough romance to warm your heart. With out further ado, go to
darkmagessfics and read!
P.S. OMG - If Bobby sells his soul to Crowley, that means that he has to kiss him! OMG. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! SHOW I LOVE YOU!!