Okay,sooooo....I just watched Rescue Dawn (O rly?).Aaaannndd...I felt like commenting about that movie LOL so here it goes...*clears throat*
IT'S A GOOD MOVIE.I mean,not great (Because it isn't MY kind of movie,if you know what I mean) but it's kinda good.I kinda laughed sometimes LOL no,really,I know I shouldn't laugh,but there was this part when HE (Dieter Dengler,A.K.A Bale's character) was trying to get the attention of the helicopters by burning everything and you know what they did?They shoot him!LOL I guess they thought he was a terrorist (whut?) or something like that,I don't know...so,they shoot him and he was like: FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-- YOU SHOULDN'T SHOOT ME,YOU IDIOTS!WTF IS IT WITH YOU?
Poor Christian/Dieter XD
oh,and...in the end,when they finally find him...well...what about his blonde friend,"Duane" or something?Did he died?He left him there?!WHAT.THE.FUCK.
He was helping his friend but suddenly when people finally find him he just forgets about everything else and just wants to save his own ass!LOL WTF?!
so,as I said...it's a good movie.But I won't watch it again,no I won't.I watched Bale suffer too much,now I need to watch American Psycho to forget all the things he's been through LOL or even TDK.I dunno...
so...what do you think,huh?Did you liked the movie?