A few of my jewels are missing. No bother. They weren't my favorites. Worldly materials are not as important as ideology and blood.
Andromeda might have taken them.
I think I enjoyed performing the Cruciatus Curse on Andromeda. To truly feel that much hate, enough hate to perform the curse ("You have to truly feel it," is how the Dark Lord explained it to me), is clarifying and pure. Since words so poorly express emotions, and actions, unless fully realized, are weak, it was the most efficient way of making her understand how much her choices have dishonored the family, the cause, and herself.
Lucius says I should tone things down. Just because he's marrying my sister doesn't make him my keeper, nor does it mean I have to listen to him. Especially when he obviously knows so little about Pureblood politics. I can hardly believe he announced what he was privy to with Andromeda. A lack of loyalty like that is harrowing. Perhaps I should bring it up with the Dark Lord--though, no, I won't. I don't think he'd care, and he would probably smile snidely and think of me as a disloyal snitch.