I think I'm adorable.

Jun 14, 2007 08:48

I'm really excited about, guys! I'm gonna geek right out and admit that full on. I love puzzles, and that's what this felt like. Like rolling up my sleeves at the end of the day and hunkering down over an intricate puzzle. Except a fandomy puzzle. About Winchesters. And clothing. Win-win-win! Except that it was really more like a fandomy puzzle about Winchester clothing with missing pieces, and pieces that had been mutilated to the point of being unrecognizable, and pieces that had been coloured over with black magic marker. Because there's just no way to know for sure with a lot of these. The only thing I am sure of is that I'm missing a ton. But I swear I made more of an effort than I probably should have to account for everything. And there was much scrutinizing for differences and similarities before falling back on guess work. Okay, enough rambling, Winchester Clothing!

The Sam Winchester Clothing Catalogue <- Updated is complete, and will be posted soon.

The Dean Winchester Clothing Catalogue




Dress Clothes




Long-Sleeved Tees

Short-Sleeved Tees




Random Comments for S1 & 2:

- Please let me know if I've missed anything. I'm sure I have. Especially in some of the categories that I added at the last minute, like the accessories. And please provide a screencap if you can! I'm actually getting sick of SPN screencap galleries. I KNOW.

- I'm still having organizational issues with this post, but I swear there was a specific logic to how I placed everything. Even though it might be weird distorted logic that doesn't actually make all that much sense.

- I'm sure my descriptions are off half the time. It's so hard to tell the true colour of anything on this show. I think Dean could be blonde and we wouldn't even know if from screencaps. Pretty for the show, not so helpful to me here. I used episode stills to determine colour whenever possible.

- Regarding the episode numbers given with the descriptions, my goal was to visually show the different clothes, not to document every single time they're worn. But as I was posting I decided it might be helpful to at least list a few sources in case, I don't know, people wanted to go have a look for themselves, or something. My point? Those lists are far from conclusive.

- The jeans category is one big inaccuracy all on it's own. 1) it's just impossible to tell, though slightly less impossible with Dean thanks to his many holey jeans, 2) I added this section last and was far too burnt out to go through all the dark avi caps of S2 again. Will update when DVD caps are out in September. However, I think it is at least clear that Dean Winchester is a demin whore. Definitely too many to fit in to those poor abused duffel bags of his.

- Okay, speaking of Jeans, there IS also this pair. But just look at those puppies! Those are far too wide-legged and long to be Deans. This is the part where I quote helpwess without her permission:

"Also, they are way too long and cut at the bottom, which Dean never does. I am going to use my giant brainpower/knowledge of the series to deduce that this cap is from Wendigo, and posit that since Dean and Sam hadn't been running around together for that long yet, Dean is still learning how to share space and duffel bags learning that not everything in your car belongs to you anymore. Dean is wearing Sam's jeans. Whups, embarrassing."

So there you have it. Clearly not Dean's jeans, therefore not included in this picspam. Except for here. Where I've talked about them anyway.


- Dean suffers from major outerwear attachment issues! Holy crap, I knew the guy wore his jackets a lot, but I didn't realize just how rarely he takes them off until putting this together. My favourite is Plaything and No Exit where he puts on coats to investigate the hallways of the hotels he's staying in. Who does that? Perhaps coats facilitate ghost hunting. And it's hilarious how often he'll go to someone's home and sit through an entire conversation without removing his jacket. Consequently, it was especially hard to tell all his super similar button down shirts apart. Anyway, I've fanwanked this is being part of Dean's ingrained always-on-the-move, keep-all-your-belongings-with-you mentality.

- I tried really hard to show that Dean wears more than one type of boot on the show (because he must, right?), but failed miserably. YOU WIN, DEAN.

- So what do Dean's clothes tell us about him? The number of solid items and classic jeans tell us that he's a no frills, stick-with-what-works kind of guy. That clothing is first and foremost about functionality. It might also tell us that he's picky, and that when he loves something he sticks to it with scary devotion. The fact that most, if not all of his clothing is work wear gives away that he was raised in, and now embodies a male, working class environment. And the similarities between his and his father's wardrobe says leaps and bounds about how much he respected and admired his dad. As mentioned earlier, the layers tell us that Dean's lifestyle requires him to carry his belongings with him, and to be highly adaptable to varying environments. Not that he's always the most successful in the adaptability department (see duffel bags and jeans while hiking in Wendigo). On a cheekier note, all those tight tees peaking out from underneath the layers, and the scandalous low cut of his jeans gives away Dean's cocky, knows-exactly-how-good-he-looks confidence. And while I wouldn't say he's overly materialistic, his accessories definitely tell us that he likes the feel of a little somethin' around his neck, and a little somethin' dangling from his wrist. Like everything else on this show Dean's clothing is just one more rich detail that tells us who he is, and more importantly, how he's different from Sam. More on that last thought later.

- Speaking of which, what about Sammy? There is a Sam post in the works. I'm about 80% done. I left Sammy for last because I'm actually more excited about his, and because I'm a save-the-best-for-last kinda girl. Also I wanted to do Dean first because he was the hardest. TAKE THAT AS YOU WILL.

Random Comments for S3:

- I wouldn't say that Dean's look has changed much from S2 to S3. Among others the leather jacket made it in to a few episodes, and that demin shirt from way back in the pilot still gets used regularly, among others. And none of the new items were drastically un-Dean-like. Which makes sense. I think it'd take a lot to change the basic look of this guy. If anything I'd say that since the pilot Dean's clothes have become ever so slightly more trendy. But even that's barely noticeable, and I tend to think that has more to do with making Jensen look like a hot leading man than it has to do with character development, and I'm both more interested in the latter and not about to complain about the former.

- There were a lot of items that sadly didn't re-appear in S3, though. Most notably for me was the emo plaid from AHBL Part 2, which he totally should have been wearing on his last day. As well as the red button down, which was always a nice hit of bright colour amidst the Dean Winchester sea of blues and greens. The brown Nightshifter plaid and WIAWSNB jacket didn't return, either. Fingers crossed for next year!

- Personal favourite new item? Green button down with contrast stitching from NRftW.

- I am not a fan of Dean's new favourite jacket. THERE. I SAID IT.

- Only one new costume and one new plaid this season. WOE. Although, to be fair, on a scale of awesome the tuxedo probably counts as 2 and a half costumes.

- Nice heals on them there boots, Deano!

- I'm sorry, I refuse to believe that Dean Winchester owns that many ties. Unless Sam is buying them in bulk and Dean is stealing them and chucking them out the window after a single wear. MAYBE THEN.


- Screencaps from gallerys. Bella Caps, In-a-Dream, Oxoniensis Screencaps, Screencap Paradise, Summer Skin and Supernatural Caps. Promos from SPN Media.

- Also thanks to jascott and helpwess for hand-holding, encouragement, theorizing, and for just generally putting up with constant Winchester clothing talk.


f: supernatural: picspam

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