Woah Jimmy. I didn't know you felt that way....
Today has been good thus far. Again, not much has been accomplished except for the fact that I found that I do have a C in Anatomy and Physiology. I kinda expected that...but there was still a part of me wishing...hoping...praying...that maybe just maybe I had a B. ALAS! I do not. I'm ever so upset
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Comments 3
You're not Sarah Black Hoodie. Hallelujah. However, I'll still probably call you Sarah America... or Sarah Not Black Hoodie but Almost Black Hoodie. Only because it's a mouth full.
My brother, whether he knows it or not, is incredibly enthused with this engagement//marriage to be.
Ah, Time to go do something for school.
I'll catch you on the flip side.
We should hang out sometime.
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