Fic: Lost and Found (Bo/Lauren, Pg13, 5/?)

Sep 02, 2011 17:05

Title: Lost and Found
Author: Bella Taggart
Rating: Pg13 for now
Fandom/Pairing: Lost Girl, Bo/Lauren
Spoilers: Up to S01E11
Word Count: About 1200 for this part.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their ( Read more... )

lost and found, bo/lauren, 5/?, fic, fanfic

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Comments 12

anonymous September 3 2011, 03:57:19 UTC
Cliffhanger?!?!!!! Ahhhh, you're killin' me!



bellataggart October 3 2011, 21:30:56 UTC
Sorry about that. But I wont leave you hanging for too long this time, the next part is already in my beta's hands. Thanks for the comment :)


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bellataggart October 3 2011, 21:32:16 UTC
Yeah, sorry. :) The next part is in the hands of my beta now, so it shouldnt be too long. Thanks for the comment.


demetriaross September 4 2011, 06:59:43 UTC
Wonder where Lauren is at? Please update soon.


bellataggart October 3 2011, 21:33:40 UTC
Soon to be revealed :) next part is in the hands of my beta so it really shouldnt take too long. Thanks for reading


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bellataggart October 3 2011, 21:35:06 UTC
Thank you so much for sticking with the story. I know I'm bad with updates, but I will finish the story sooner or later. The next part is with the beta now, so it shouldnt be long. Also, thanks for your kind words.


stickyricee September 8 2011, 06:42:03 UTC
I was so happy to see an update to this story! Looking forward to finding out what happened to Lauren.


bellataggart October 3 2011, 21:36:26 UTC
Thanks so much for reading and dropping me a line. Next update should be up within a few days, just as soon as I hear back from my beta..


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