Fic: Lost and Found (6/?)

Oct 11, 2011 15:41

Title: Lost and Found
Author: Bella Taggart
Rating: Pg13 for now
Fandom/Pairing: Lost Girl, Bo/Lauren
Spoilers: Up to S01E11
Word Count: About 1850 for this part.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their ( Read more... )

lost and found, lost girl, bo/lauren, bella taggart, fanfic

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Comments 14

You're back anonymous October 11 2011, 16:22:16 UTC
FABB : )


Re: You're back bellataggart October 11 2011, 17:27:59 UTC
Thank you!! :)


thejetengines October 11 2011, 21:25:10 UTC
It's rather heartbreaking to see Lauren's this way, but I'm glad Bo's persistence paid off. She even went to see the Ash, that says a lot. Glad to see an update and keep writing!


bellataggart November 20 2011, 21:54:06 UTC
I know it is, sorry. But she'll get better, eventually :) And Bo does care as you say...Thanks for sharing your thoughts...


stickyricee October 13 2011, 06:38:03 UTC
That was a sweet chapter. Thanks for the great update!


bellataggart November 20 2011, 21:54:23 UTC
Thank you very much :)


ext_819108 October 28 2011, 02:38:08 UTC
are we getting any other chapter soon? please? :D


bellataggart November 20 2011, 22:10:24 UTC
sure, eventually. ıts just that I find myself falling in and out of love with the fandom for some reason, and am working on a glee story-of all things at the moment. once I get enough of that out of my system i will get back to this story, promise. Sorry for keeping you waiting and thanks for sticking with me...


ext_819108 November 22 2011, 00:52:17 UTC
oh no! dont love/hate the fandom please! i've been there but im back on the ship of love! i hope you dont give up on the story =) im sticking with you!


(The comment has been removed)

bellataggart November 20 2011, 22:10:38 UTC
thank you!!


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