Title: Reverence
Author: Bella Temple
Category: SPN, AU, Gen, drama
Rating: Teen
Warnings: AU, some language, rewrite of canon
Spoilers: "Faith"
Characters: Sam, Dean, Layla Rourke, OCs
Disclaimer: The characters and basic premise within are property of Warner Bros, Eric Kripke, etc. No money is being made off this work of fiction.
Author's note:
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Comments 45
puh-lease for the love of layla, update soooooon.
Thanks! I really did struggle a bit with both Dan and Layla. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Interesting, though, that Dan and Mary had both been "special children". I wondered how the heck Dan would know to dig up some obituary in Nebraska.
Your re-working of "Faith" is also, again, spectacular. I love how you've made Layla an agent of her own fate. In canon, Layla was almost passive and seemed to be at LaGrange's more because her mother wanted her to be there, humoring her mother with her own final days. I love that you've given her a will in the matter, a perception of what's really happening, and a willingness to fight against what she now realizes is an evil act.
Brilliant. Well done. :-)
(Much as I'd love to read through everything in one sitting, I think I'll save ( ... )
And thank you again. I actually feel that this is one of the weaker pieces of the 'verse, so it's very good to hear what about it managed to work for people, and that Layla's voice, which I totally struggled with, worked well for you.
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