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Notes and Acknowledgements
I'd say I can't believe I wrote this, but, well. I know me.
So sometime around a year ago, I was talking to a friend online who happened to mention the new My Little Pony series, and how, despite the fact that the instant gut reaction of my inner child of the 80s with boxes at her parents' house full of old school ponies that this new generation was clearly evil, it was actually pretty damn good. That there was a reason it was popular with full grown men, and it wasn't that they were creepy or trolls.
So I figured, what the hey, I'll give it a whirl.
Anyway. Shortly after that, I'd managed to marathon the entirety of season one, and whipped up a quick, very rough little set of
Supernatural ponies. I joked in that post that at least I wasn't writing a crossover yet.
Then in season two, MLP introduced the windy-goes and I was ruined forever.
This fic would not exist without the efforts of either of my betas,
maisfeeka and
butterflykiki, especially the latter, who as always put up with me pinging little bits of it at her out of context as I went along to make sure the jokes were working. It certainly would never have gotten this wonderfully large without
chosenfire28 over at the
sncross_bigbang comm, who organized this shindig and gave me a reason to give this sucker my all. And it wouldn't be so beautifully illustrated without
davincis_girl (have you gone to her
art post yet? You should really go to there).
This fic was brought to you by all the above individuals, and by the letter P. For SPN and MLP and PONIES. PONIES EVERYWHERE.
And by viewers like you!