Add me first. Comment.
/#/Not picky unless you hate a lot of the stuff that I like and rant about it too much. Ranting about school and whatever else is fine since I do that too :O You're very much welcome if you like Rafael Nadal/Tennis/Reading/ESPN2/Writing/Music(Nightwish etc.) (as you can tell, I love tennis; both playing and watching it). Check
info for more interests. Also, don't add me if you do friends cut all the time. I can't always keep up with you.
/#/Oh, and don't feel sorry for me because I don't have any comments here. I'm not on the hunt or anything for LJ friends.
/#/If you're coming from, just leave a comment or something. I'll say hi. If you don't have a livejournal, feel free to just make one to gain access to mine.
/#/Comments will be screened to prevent assholes making further assholes of themselves (if that were possible). Don't let that scare you though. I like a good laugh. Other than that, I generally don't bite.
/#/I write a lot of long posts, depending on how long I've been away from the journal or something. I tend to post a lot, as this is a journal and I like to keep track of things. I talk about school, guys, just like a normal girl XD BEWARE.