Title: The Boyfriend
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Genre: Romance/Humour/Angst
Warning: Some swearing throughout fic. Rating will change for very last installment (a bonus missing scene).
Word Count: 4592 (out of around 56,000)
Disclaimer: Glee is not mine.
A/N: I started this fic back in May but a new job, a bereavement and a million other things
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Comments 31
I loved both chapters. This was so wonderful. Drunk!Kurt is just adorable and I loved the scene with them dancing and not noticing that the music had stopped.
I can't wait for the awkward in chapter 11 :D
To be honest i did it by accident. i used to be obsessed with buffy and now quotes slip out without me even realising lol! Well spotted!
Yes Puck was his second kiss. Like Kurt mentioned previously he's been on dates but never had a bf so at the end of the night I imagine he gave his suitors a hearty handshake and a curt goodbye.
Puck didn’t reply for a few minutes then quietly asked “Why me?”
He yawned, making his reply almost indecipherable but Puck caught the gist of it. “You were the only person I knew would come.”
Where's the tissues? I used 1/2 a box!! :'(
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