My last class of the week is done. So I'm just writing this to get it out of the way.
First, let's look at the good news:
There's ony four months left this semester before graduation. It's been a long time coming, and I'm excited. Having only four courses left to complete, and having two days off during the school week is an added plus. That gives me time to work on other things--
*cough* likefinishingportraitssothatIcangetsomeextacash *cough*.
What I'm apprehensive about is what to apply for in university.
Studying foreign languages is definitely something that I want to do, so I'm leaning towards applying for international studies. The good points: Well, all of my classes this semester touch on global issues, so that gives me the chance to see if that's a field that I would be interested in. I might even be able to transfer some credits from those courses once I'm in university. Another point is that if I end up choosing the the program that I've been thinking over, I'd expect to graduate with a bachelors and having at least three languages under my belt.
So what's the problem?
Well I'm not sure whether I should pursue that, or take what I originally went to college for: the visual arts.
It's exhausting to have this over my head everyday. Because I'm constantly surrounded my people who do what they love as a job, I end up feeling envious at the end of the day. A lot of factors are keeping me from applying for programs in the studio arts though, the main one being that I'm unprepared. I've done some work over the summer, but only a few. And aside from that, I haven't done anything that is portfolio-ready. I'd be rushing to make the deadline for admission.
Besides, I sort of made a pact with myself: I could go back to college to earn a degree in the studio arts after completing a bachelors. At least that would give me time to practice whatever art medium that interests me until then, and I'll have enough time to figure out what to submit for a portfolio.
I don't think it's a bad idea. Despite my love of the fine arts, I never seriously considered it as a primary source of income once I finish school. I always pictured myself making art a means to earn extra cash on the side while doing something else as a daytime job.
Oh well, that's enough serious thinking for me. I'm beat.