not good

Apr 16, 2006 16:56

So ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

berzzzerko April 17 2006, 01:33:42 UTC


belle_paix April 17 2006, 02:29:56 UTC
thank you so much, erika.


icey April 17 2006, 04:48:25 UTC
I miss her too.


belle_paix April 20 2006, 15:55:02 UTC
|sigh| I am sure.

It is so weird. She was my first real friend that I had ever lost. And not that it really makes that much of a difference. I definitely bawled over Jenny Mausolf too, but that was very different.

ridiculousness… but I suppose I must trust that everything happens for a reason. :-\


nothingxlikeyou April 17 2006, 07:35:31 UTC
we clearly need to talk.


dictatrice April 17 2006, 21:56:04 UTC
The best I can do is give you a big hug next time I see you.


belle_paix April 20 2006, 15:51:47 UTC
Your best is a lot. :-)


toute_les_nuits April 24 2006, 21:16:33 UTC
core...i'm sorry. and i'm sorry i didn't read this sooner. are you doing ok now? can i do anything to make you more ok? i *heart* you


belle_paix April 25 2006, 07:38:50 UTC
Elsa, my love, you have literally been there from the very beginning. There is nothing more that I could ask you to do. You are wonderful.


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