1. My mother once: Came home without a shirt on and didn't know it till I gently informed her.
2. Never in my life: have I sky-dived, but I'd like to.
3. When I was five: I kept wishing I was 6. Then I'd be a 'big girl'.
4. High School was: sex, drinks, sex, fights, drinks, hell, fun, sex, pain, pleasure...it was a whirlwind.
5. I will never forget: watching a friend be raped.
I once met: a creepy man on my 13th birthday dressed as a tin solider
(in San Fran). My friend and I took a picture with him and he rubbed
against us. He was working for the toy store...and we wonder why.
7. There's this girl: that got away...
8. Once, at a bar: I hit on a cop. Please remember that I'm underage.
9. By noon I'm usually: depends on Sebastian. Either with him or online.
10. Last night: I fed Sebastian lol
11. If I only had: a nanny
12. Next time I go to church: will be in another lifetime
13. Michael Jackson: silly, but not guilty. He doesnt have the balls.
14. What worries me most: losing my baby which goes hand in hand with worrying about losing my sanity.
15. When I turn my head left, I see: a wall/window
16. When I turn my head right, I see: the kitchen
17. You know I'm lying when: I say 'I normally don't lie'
18. What I miss most about the eighties: MUSIC. Screw today's crap sounds...I love 50's-80's!
19. If I was a character written by Shakespeare: I'd be Katherine (Taming of the Shrew) only they'd never break me.
20. By this time next year: I want to be asleep. (nearly midnight here)
21. A better name for me would be:Gods...anything that people don't
have to ask me how to say it! How hard is Drailla to sound out?
Dray-la! Come on people!
22. I have a hard time understanding: math
23. If I ever go back to school I'll: cry
24. You know I like you if: I ask then listen
25. If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: the casting director
26. Darwin, Mozart, Willie Nelson & Adolph Hitler: All have made a name for themselves...
27. Take my advice: do it. Just, do it.
28. My ideal breakfast is: Mmm eggs mixed with cheese and bacon and toast.
29. A song I love, but do not have is: "She's a Beauty" The Tubes
If you visit my hometown, I suggest: leaving as soon as possible.
31. Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: ...........*says something witty*
32. Why won't people: stop being ignorant pieces of shit?
33. If you spend the night at my house: we'll have fun!
34. I'd stop my wedding for: something better. That could be a shoe sale.
35. The world could do without: money, borders....
36. I'd rather lick the underbelly of a cockroach than: ever have sex with Dylan Matthews again.
37. My favorite blonde is: natural? I dunno off the top of my head.
38. Paper clips are more useful than: knives when you wanna poke things sometimes.
39. If I do anything well, it's: besides have sex...it's bake brownies.
40. And by the way: I really need to lose some weight.