Title: Twin's Date
Author: bellekyuwookielove
Genre: Romance, Humor
Ratings: PG
Characters: Youngmin, Kwangmin, Boyfriend
Summary: What happens if our favorite twins got into a date?
Youngmin was ecstatic. He was currently seated beside his younger twin on a bench in the park. The blonde would have been perfectly content at home watching tv, but evidently his younger twin brother did not consider that a "date". So once again he'd caved to his brother's wants, being the very loving and protective brother/lover he is, but who could really blame him. Donghyun and Minwoo were supposed to meet them in a short while and Youngmin wanted to make the most of his time alone with his *cough*lover*cough*.
"So what shall we do to occupy ourselves, Kwangminnie?" Youngmin purred, nudging at Kwangmin's neck. Kwangmin giggled at the contact, drawing away from the touch. His large brown eyes blinked innocently and Youngmin knew he was about to ask for something. However, this knowledge didn't help him to deny his lover.
"I'm thirsty."he was so whipped. As soon as the words left Kwangmin's mouth hid older twin was already up and ordering him not to move until he came back. Youngmin rushed off, buying his younger brother a soda at the nearest vendor. It wasn't till he was returning that something seemed off. When he'd left Kwangmin had been most definitely alone. Youngmin simply wouldn't have left someone been there, save for Donghyun and Minwoo of course.
"You're quite lovely," an unfamiliar masculine voice floated past his ear. The image of some strange dark haired guy, tanned skinned man wouldn't have bother Youngmin so much if that very man weren't currently sitting too close to his Kwangmin. One of the stranger's arms was draped over his younger twin's shoulder and Youngmin wished he had a laser vision, hitting directly the stranger.
"Um.. I'm taken." Kwangmin admitted, blushing from all the attention.
"Well she doesn't have to know." The stranger purred. Inside Youngmin was raging (adding the fact that he rage easily), all too ready to rip the man to shreds. He wasn't worthy enough to exists in Kwangmin's world, and Youngmin will make sure he was gone before that had a chance to happen.
"Actually, my boyfriend will be back any second." The older twin was just preparing to make his entrance. From the angle he stood at Youngmin couldn't see the man's hand slide up Kwangmin's thigh, but he noticed his brother blush furiously.
"Well then let's get out of here." The dark haired stranger stood and Youngmin decided it was past time to make himself known. The elder twin sauntered up to Kwangmin, sliding into the previous position of Public enemy #1. Kwangmin flashed him a small, grateful smile as he gleefully took his drink.
"Here you are Kwangminnie." Youngmin said flippantly, glaring at the intruder. The man looked decidedly baffled at seeing identical faces, though different hair colors, but wasn;t deterred from his goal.
"Well, Kwangminnie,"the man mimicked Youngmin's pet name for his twin pleasantly, blatantly ignoring Youngmin. "Would you like to accompany me this Saturday?"
Kwangmin smiled reluctantly, shaking his head as he thought of a suitable excuse. "Um...I'm sorry Hyoon-shi, but I have plans."
He offered no condolences such as 'maybe another time', but the fact that younger twin even knew this "Hyoon's" name sent up red flag's in Youngmin's mind. The elder frowned, wrapping one arm possessively around Kwanming's waist and pulling him flush against his chest. Kwangmin squeaked in embarrassment.
"I see." Hyoon replied somewhat bitterly. The dark haired man forced a smile, before turning on his heel and walked away. Youngmin smiled triumphantly, sticking his tongue out at the retreating form of his so-called opponent.
"You need to calm down, Youngminnie. Other people are allowed to talk to me, you know." Kwangmin informed with a roll of his eyes. Youngmin just smiled in reply, stifling the movement of his brother's lips with his own.
"They seem occupied."
"Yuck! Hyung, shield my eyes!!"
The twins broke apart, glaring at the sight of Donghyun and Minwoo. The red hair had one arm thrown over the dark haired boy's shoulders as he leaned against him. Minwoo's arms was held in front of his eyes. Donghyun had the hint of a smile on his lips.
"What do you want?" the twins chorused. Donghyun raised a brow in amusement. Minwoo released himself from Donghyun's hold and began flailing dramatically as he ranted about public display of affection and the lasting scarring it would cause him.
"I do believe you invited us." Dongyun pointed out. Youngmin frowned, once again recalling exactly why he'd wanted to stay home. But no, Kwangmin wanted a "date". If every "date" ended up Kwangmin being hit on, and Minwoo and his loud mouth interrupting them then Youngmin wanted nothing to do with "dates".
The next thing the younger twin knew Youngmin picked him up and started off in the direction of their home.
"What are you doing?" Kwangmin asked in confusion. Minwoo had halted his dramatic watch. Even Donghyun had stopped some inner scheming to grace the exiting pair with a glance.
"Dates are for kids!" Youngmin retorted. "We're going home and have an improper one."
The brunette boy was left behind with his consort, blinking in confusion.
"Hyung,.. what just happened?"
"Well," Donghyun began, "I believe Youngmin got tired of waiting and just grounded them both to a week in their room."
Minwoo nodded in understanding. Then he turned his mischevious eyes on the red head beside him. Donghyun quirked a brow in curiousity, now apprehensive about his reply. The smaller one slipped an arm around the red head's waist.
"That sounds like a great idea. C'mon hyung, we have nieces and nephews to make for them."
Donghyun decided not to correct Minwoo's biology theory as the smaller boy dragged him away.