Beauty and Heart

Jul 20, 2004 21:28

Name: Stephanie
Age: 17
Location: NY
Ethnicity: I'm adopted so I have no idea. I'll stick with Caucasian.
Sexual Preferance: males
Marital Status: Taken
Best Physical Feature: My smile - I'm constantly smiling! =)
Worst Physical Feature: My stomach. . . just never cared much for it.
Best Personality Trait: My big heart, I would do anything for anyone, anytime.
Worst Personality Trait: I can be a pushover, I don't know when to say no.

Subject: I took Physiology this year, my last year of high school - it's basically college level biology. I really, really enjoyed it. My teacher was extremely enthusiastic and made the material interesting to me.
Books: I absolutely love Tuesdays With Morrie, I read it recently and really took so much away from it. As far as a book that's been my favorite for a long time, I'd have to say Uncle Tom's Cabin, although it can be dry at times, it is amazing as hell. I cried at the ending of it the first time I read it, I was so touched.
Movies: My favorite movie of all time is "The Goonies". I definitely don't think it's the best movie ever made, but the reason it's called a favorite is because of personal preference, and I don't know. . . ever since I was very little I've always had a fetish for this movie. I bought a shirt last weekend that says "The Goonies never say die". It made my day!
Singers: Gavin DeGraw, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Norah Jones, Ben Folds.
Bands: Coldplay, Dashboard Confessional, Dispatch, Dave Matthews Band, Something Corporate, Yellowcard, O.A.R.
Artists: It's something about Georgia O'Keefe's work. . . She takes a subject so simple and makes it into a complex masterpiece. It really makes you think about how nothing is really simple in this world when you take a closer look at it.
Writers: I'm a whore for a good Dean Koontz book. He writes so many novels, but they all have something to offer. He's a really great storyteller as well.
Photographers: It's going to sound ludicrous and maybe naive, but there's this photographer for my local newspaper who's really great at catching emotion. I'm not talking about the pictures that he has in the paper, I mean I've seen this guy's real work and he's got skill. He really should be working for something bigger than he does, but I think a part of him just likes being around here. We're ordinary.
Color: For any random object, my favorite color is green. When it comes to my favorite for clothing, I looove pink.
TV Shows: I don't watch a lot of TV, but right now I'm hooked on "I Love the 90's", I always watch old "Boy Meets World" episodes and "Dawson's Creek" episodes, and I really like "The West Wing", although I don't watch it as much as I'd like.
Newspapers: The only newspaper I read is my local Dispatch. It's got everything I need in it. =)

War: I don't think there's such a thing as world peace. Sure, it would be desirable, but think of all the different personalities in your household. Multiply that by 5 billion and you've got planet earth. We're lucky we aren't all dead where we're standing. There is a part of me, the idealist, that thinks that all war should be avoided. That is truly impossible. Somebody is always fighting about something, even if it's only on a verbal scale. I'm not entirely pro-war, but I do think that sometimes it's necessary. It's sad that people have to sacrifice their lives to obtain peace, but it happens and there's really nothing that can be done about it. One person can't stop it.
Abortion: I was adopted because my birthparents had me "on accident". But, despite the fact that if they had had an abortion I wouldn't be typing this, I still believe that every woman should have their choices. I, personally, wouldn't have an abortion, but women and all humans have free will. Abortion is an exercise of free will. Sure, to put it technically, it may be "killing a child", but why should it be up to you to decide what another person does? You wouldn't want someone else telling you what to wear so why is it acceptable for you to tell someone how to live their life? I think the government should stay out of this issue. A woman's body is her temple. We all make choices, sometimes we regret them, sometimes we aren't prepared for the consequences, and it happens, but we should be sensitive to free will.
Divorce: My mom and dad separated when I was 6 and divorced when I was 7. It was a hard thing for me to deal with but overall it made me a much stronger person than I would have been without it. I think that every person should have the right to have a divorce, it's exercising their right to pursuit of happiness, and that's something no one should be denied.
Pre-Marital Sex: In my opinion, perfectly all right. Sex is extremely sensationalized, and I think a problem is - teenagers especially - just having sex because they feel that is what is expected of them and what is "cool". Sex is so much better when you really care for the person, and I mean REALLY care for them. Sex is a divine union of the male and female form and I think it is taken far too lightly. But I will not tell other people how to live their lives, I can only live mine in the way I choose to.
Religion: It's gotten a bad rap. I attend an Episcopal church almost every Sunday and have since I was a little girl. I was forced to until about the 10th grade when my mom realized that if she were to force me to go it might push me away. For a time, I was really unsure and didn't necessarily NOT believe in anything, I just didn't know what to believe. But that period ended shortly after because my priest always made it perfectly clear to me that any questions I had were perfectly normal and she always answered them. I don't think I could be a Catholic because the Episcopal way of life is what's for me. Most of them are so open-minded and they really reach out to you, it's something I've never gotten from a Catholic church, everyone seems kind of stodgy and judgmental. Oh, right, I was talking about my opinion on religion. I, personally, have found it to be my source of grace, I think there's no way our lives could be so intertwined in the ways that they are without a higher power. I have nothing against athiests or agnostics whatsoever, many of my friends are both and that is perfectly fine with me. I like to surround myself with people of different views because it always makes things interesting.
Monopolization: In some ways, I think it's seriously destructive. My dad owns a little bar and about 6 years ago, they built a large casino (The Turning Stone. . . maybe you've heard of it?) less than 5 minutes away and it's driving out him and all the other businesses that were predecessors to it. Nothing has really been the same since. But in other ways, it does provide for a lot of employment opportunities, although it may not be exactly what people want. I don't think one aspect of life should be controlled by only one company, though because then that company controls the supply and demand curve on the product and in turn controls prices of the product. Meaning, jacking up prices, when if there was a smaller company competing and they were keeping low prices, the larger company would have to keep lower prices to keep up with the competition. See my logic?
The Entertainment Industry: Oh, LORD. It's so materialistic, don't get me started. Are these people really happy? They seem so fake.
MTV: I watch my fare share of MTV, the reality shows make me laugh. I think it's pop culture and people complain too much about pop culture because someone made it popular and they're forgetting that. But people will complain about it anyway. And that's cool.
Teen Magazines (Cosmopolitan, Glamour, etc.): I read them occasionally. I don't have subscriptions or whatever. I prefer to read books with substance, but who couldn't use those "Tips and Tricks: How to Turn Him On" articles?
Drugs and Alcohol: I have never done a drug in my life, and I drink alcohol rarely. I think that lifestyle is way too sensationalized as well. These people that rely on this way of life are seeking immediate satisfaction, and when the joy is over, they have nothing left. I'm not saying it's not fun because it sure is, but I like to know that I have other ways of having a good time.
Going to College: Extremely important in this day and age. I will be attending Hobart & William Smith College this fall. I think it's great that we rely on higher education - this country could use the smarts. Especially our President, that cunning linguist.

Do you like Rock N Roll: hullabaloo
Why do you think you should be in this community: I'm smart and goodlooking. I will post about different things other than what my new shirt looks like because although I like looking at pictures, that is somewhat superficial. I'm a fan of depth. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. It's important to share our differences as well as celebrate our similarities.
What is one of your biggest fears: That I won't live up to my potential. I have so much in me that is just waiting to be unleashed.
What is one of your biggest dreams: It sounds so HUGE, but. . . I really want to touch the world, you know? Do something that will mean something. Not to put myself in the history books or anything, but to give other people joy, happiness, elation. I really do live to see other people happy.
Where did you promote us (links, please):,

Pictures (3+):

I'm in the middle in this one.

And there you have it. =)
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