May 04, 2006 10:34

belmoon is being stalked on Livejournal!

killpanic is stalking belmoon

killpanic’s REAL name :
Alison Roddin

killpanic’s REAL DOB :
25th June 1974

Height :166 cm
Weight : 49.6 kg

killpanic has dreamt about you :
20 times

killpanic became interested in you :
20th November 2004

killpanic’s latest dream about you

killpanic and belmoon are the first astronauts to colonize Mars. Instead of concentrating on colonial issues, the two young lovebirds instead spend their hours making passionate love on top of Olympus Mons.

This is how killpanic describes your relationship behind your back

‘I thought it was love. But obviously it wasn’t. belmoon told me that never wanted to see me ever again. Suicide is the only option now. Goodbye sweet world.’

killpanic’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

A thick ball of your own ungroomed pubic yarn.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

In the past year killpanic has spent their entire life savings on cosmetic surgery in an attempt to look more like you.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

If I can’t have you, nobody can darling. I’d advise you to committ these words to memory.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
19 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"I’ve had enough of this. You know killpanic, that crazed internet stalker you’ve been after for the last 6 months, well they’ve been stalking me too. They were just over at my house there not so long ago and threatened to come back and burn down my house."

killpanic’s Police File

killpanic will be the next Jeffrey Dahmer if they are not institutionalized immediately.

Testimonies about killpanic

linkandluigi - Charlie Manson’s long-lost sibling

‘Dear God! I knew killpanic was a right thieving bastard but I didn’t know they were such a skank. belmoon is a bit of a sucker really.’

dejikou_chan - Monarch of lard

‘I used to love killpanic. This news has broke my heart. I feel like beating the shit out of that bastard, seriously. What a dick.’

ew_younerd - Dull O Dull

‘killpanic is pointlessness personified. I just wish they’d kill themselves or something.’

deidarachan - Breastfeeder of Cats

‘It’s odd, I’ve known some weird fucks in my time and killpanic and belmoon would definitely top that list.’

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