This LJ now serves the purpose of a thoughtdump. To hell with organization (though don't expect Ulysses).
That Megaman userpic is the closest I look to any video game character, so, uh, yay. Yay for bizarre anonymity that I have no actual problems with breaking. I also am using it to celebrate my finally playing and beating Megaman 2. It was really fun (OKKUSENMAN, OKKUSENMAN).
So after being inexplicably downtrodden trying to communicate with some who may or may not have a vagina (you would be surprised how easy it is to strike a chord in someone by just not responding for several hours...or AT ALL), I was losing motive to get shit done.
Which reminds me, I need to get those annotations that were due last Monday DONE.
Which also reminds me, I write essays on accident. I am risking failing classes due to this. I don't know what the fuck. My head's not screwed on right, er sumthin'.
Back to the whining really quickly. Somehow, listening to Ok Go got me out of my funk. I have no idea how that worked out, but props to those pseudo(?)-homosexuals, in any case.
You don't love me at all/but don't think that it bothers me at all/You're so damn hot
The reason this is supposed to be more comical than "NOBODY UNDERSTAND ME /WRISTS" is that, after dumping (at least in her words) my ex-girlyfriend, I became more independent. My friends fell in and out of relationships, and were stressed and frantically ran around like chickens with their heads cut off to find someone new (yeah, this analogy is backfiring on me as I type), while I sat back and enjoyed being single and confident.
After the break up with my ex, I was able to define what I liked in females. 99% of the females I knew did not fit this. Was I picky? Hell yes. Was I satisfied? Hell yes. For once I wasn't an awkward mess. I was on my way to becoming the person I aimed to be.
Some months later, here comes Kendal. Dammit.
She is. She just "is." I had to write a song about her ism, though I'm not posting it right now because I'm not happy with it (though, hurr, that's the point of this LJ).
Somehow, as though in a SIGN FROM GOD HIMSELF, not only did she fit every requirement, she soared miles over them. She has an appreciation for the craft of writing, and all other fields that involve that creativity. She sings (and has won all-state competitions). She dances (countless different kinds of dances I couldn't possibly remember). She doesn't type like a damn ten-year-old, so conversation isn't a chore. She actually makes for good conversation (most girls I know don't, ugh), and was more than willing to stay up until 6 AM talking to me for most of Spring Break. She's got charm enough to win over the devil, and she's beautiful. The fact that she appears to have no flaws actually scares me a bit. She'll probably turn out to have a fetish for clown-makeup.
I don't think I've ever been this motivated. And yet, I've hit my man-period, and am therefore horny and sad (because that's all PMS really is HURR HURR oh jeez please don't throw bricks at me flist i was kidding). I can't let this get me down. Grin, bear it, and shoot for the stars.
She just recently broke up with her boyfriend (bah, he was an ass), so here's hoping it's meant to happen. Only the cosmos itself can prevent me from sticking to my record of failures. Also, sorry about talking about her endlessly, but it got it off my mind.
A bunch of optimistic stuff just came back in my head because of Okkusenman, but I really should end the rambling and finish my annotations. It's 6:40 AM. Dammit, me.
EDIT: I actually digressed enough to miss my point. I went from being confident back to an awkward little schoolboy on the inside because of one girl. That is ghey.
If you read all that, I have no idea how bored you must be.