“Bushwacked” is not an episode I rewatch. In fact, I think I’ve only seen it twice before. It’s fucking scary and gross and it freaks me out. Watching it again I discovered something interesting: it’s extremely good.
I guess I’ve always overlooked the quality of the episode because that final image of the “survivor’s” Reaver face wipes out anything else I’ve experienced previously. I also don’t think I’ve seen this one since becoming a mother, and so all the little details on the ship went by me. There’s a tricycle and a ball and some toys and kids’ food and the doll in the case. I mean, they spell out that it was a settlers’ ship, filled with families, but those homey images really registered extra horror for me this time.
I also didn’t remember that this one had so much Alliance going on. Hey! It’s that husband from Desperate Housewives! I like how confident he seems as a captain at first and by the end it’s completely obvious he’s a desk jockey, sent out on his first real mission, with no actual clue of what there is to find out there.
My favorite moment this time round was the reveal that Simon and River weren’t actually hiding on the ship. They were hanging on to the exterior of Serenity. How could I have forgotten the pure joy on River’s face as she gazed at the stars surrounding her?
Here’s my one issue with the episode, aside from the terrifying close-up on the mutilated face while Mal chokes him to death: how can Reavers actually even function? I mean seriously. If all they do is rape and kill and eat people, how have they don’t completely destroyed themselves? What keeps them from murdering each other on their ships? How do they take time apart from self-destruction to fly after anyone else? I understand the desire to create a scary-as-hell villain that’s clearly a bad guy, since our main characters are thieves and pirates and we need to show that there’s something worse out there. But it seems like it’s too far. I have trouble accepting that Reavers can continually exist.
On the other side of the coin is “Shindig”. I rewatch this one so frequently I wasn’t sure there was anything left for me to discover. I was wrong. OHMYGOD it’s Reverend Steve Newlin! He’s the pathetic prospective client that Inara hangs up on before taking Atherton’s call!
I’m continually annoyed by how much of a dick Mal is. I guess River’s right. Mal means bad. He had no reason to be so mean to Kaylee admiring the pretties. At least he makes it up to her by not only using Miss Kaywinnet Lee Frye to get into the ball, but also actually buying the dress instead of just renting it. And how adorable is she? The chandelier. Making herself sick at the buffet. Her crestfallen face when the mean girls insult her outfit. The awesome old dude to her rescue. The fabulous scene of her talking shop with the gear heads. Classic! HA!
But even though Mal’s an asshole, he’s still not as bad as that damn Atherton Wing. Ooh I hate that guy. He doesn’t just insult Inara, he demeans her and belittles her. He wants property, not a Companion. He doesn’t care about her as a person, only the status it would bring him to have a personal Companion. I’m glad Mal slapped him, even though it resulted in the duel. And honestly the duel was hilarious. I loved his practice scenes in the hotel room. And how cool was it that instead of a room key, you get a doorknob? Those are the details that make this future so believable.
I also loved the scenes back on the ship, where Badger has to detain the remaining crew to make sure they don’t try to rescue Captain Tightpants. Badger’s reaction to River insulting him in his own accent was priceless! But not as great as Mal stabbing Atherton repeatedly, after using brute force and brawling to win the duel.
The final scene, with Mal and Inara overlooking the cattle in Serenity’s cargo hold? That’s my iconic image of the entire series.