The Distance Between Eternity 1/6

Feb 25, 2013 12:01

Sequel to Life in the Fast Lane, for Tayla. There's a lot of canon referances - and you need to read LITFL first as there's a lot of referances to that too.

There are some moments in time you wish you could go back and re-write, be the author of your own story and hit backspace - change the future. Sleeping with Eli C. Was one of those moments for Blaine, only Blaine could. It would’ve been easy, The Doctor going back in time and whispering spoilers to past-Blaine but Blaine never asked. Because it felt like cheating all over again, but not just cheating on Kurt but cheating on himself as well. Blaine has learned that he’s capable of infidelity something he’d never thought he would be and by going back and changing it all those hard and painful lessons Blaine had learned would be taken back - and maybe, since he hadn’t learned the lessons he needed to learn he’d cheat in the future. Maybe after they’d moved in together, signed the bond or maybe even after they’d married or started a family. No, by Blaine’s reasoning the cheating had to happen now - have it be done with, learn the lessons and never do it again.

He’d spent many nights thinking about it, having his phone in his hand The Doctor’s number up on his screen, his thumb hovering over the call button. But never actually going through with it, Blaine felt guilt was a more fitting companion to keep him company at night. It’s not like he’d slept properly since anyway. It had been a decision born from emotion, from fear, hurt, loneliness and desperation not a decision made through rational thinking. Kurt didn’t need Blaine anymore; Kurt had a fantastic new job in New York and equally as fabulous new friends. There’d been missed phone calls, premature hang ups and Skype dates where Blaine couldn’t even get two words in - Kurt was moving on without him.

Sam had tried to point out to Blaine that yes, maybe Blaine had fired the final shot but he was shooting a dead horse - things were going downhill at an alarming pace as it was, Blaine had just ripped the bandaid right off but in the most painful way he could possibly think of. Sam had been a good, faithful friend throughout all this which was nice but he’d never been in love the way Blaine and Kurt had been in love. When you are a time traveller you experience all kind of extremities at once and everything is heightened. Blaine knew as soon as Kurt had rescued him from a Yuminan prison that he’d loved him and after Kurt had gotten back from the Show choir National Championships he’s been telling him ever since. The incredible, terrifying, dangerous but still wondrous experiences they’d shared with The Doctor and his TARDIS had connected them in a way Blaine had never been connected to anybody before - a bond that reached through eternity and back again. Blaine wondered how they could love each other through all of time and space but couldn’t cope with the distance between Lima and New York. Real-time lagged and they fell out of sync with one another. Sam had never been in love this way so to him Blaine’s despair and self-loathing came off as a little melodramatic but to Blaine it felt more real than anything else he’d ever experienced. After breaking up with Kurt Blaine felt empty, pointless - anchorless. Blaine couldn’t help but wonder if this is how The Doctor must feel all the time.

Time didn’t seem to ease the load either, not like it had done in the past and the wound still felt just as fresh. The mud of despair only growing thicker, a sea of self-loathing to drown in with no low tide to bring respite. Blaine couldn’t decide which was worse, the lonely dead-silence of night or the constant hum of day - people getting on with their lives and carrying on while Blaine couldn’t help but feel like his world was ending. It got to the point where Blaine could barely get out of bed anymore, his hair left wild and unruly as he started at his ceiling for hours on end. He couldn’t find point in anything anymore and Sam, to his credit had been trying as hard as he possibly could to coax Blaine out into the sunshine if only for an hour. Get him to do something, anything other than wallow in his own misery. That’s how it happened, Blaine had spent a lot of time crying of late and Blaine knows The Doctor hates to see children cry but Blaine isn’t a child anymore. He’s seventeen years old (eighteen in a mere five months) he’s practically an adult and he’s accountable for his actions. So Blaine’s not quite sure if it’s because The Doctor can’t quite let go of the fact that he isn’t a child anymore or if it’s just because he’s just always had a soft spot for Blaine but apparently this post-break-up depression is worthy of a non-birthday visit.

The Doctor been doing this thing where instead of landing the TARDIS and finding Blaine he’s been making the TARDIS materialise around Blaine, which is all well and good if Blaine is alone - but this time he wasn’t. Blaine didn’t even have time to even contemplate telling Sam to leave before his bedroom became the TARDIS before his very eyes.

“What the..?” is all Sam could say. “I can’t deal with this!” was what, somewhat uncharacteristically, came out of Blaine’s mouth - and he even surprised himself with how bratty he sounded “I’m sorry” he quickly tacked on the end out of politeness.

“Good morning Blaine Anderson! The sun is shining and the universe is waiting so get out of bed and- oh, am I er, interrupting something?” The Doctor asks as he notices Sam’s presence “I haven’t got the year wrong have I? Because that would be just plain embarrassing!”

“Who are you?!” Sam asks, tone edging on frantic.

“I know you like to surprise me and all but you really need to call first - I actually have a life that progresses when you aren’t here you know?” Blaine says burying his head in his hands, exasperated.

“Oh and don’t I know it, look at you all grown up!”

“Says the man that can change his face”

“Point taken” the Doctor concedes “So who’s this then?” he gestures over to Sam.

“I’m Sam and where the hell are we?!” Sam cried out, the sheer volume causing Blaine to jump - in all honesty he’d completely forgotten Sam’s presence.

“Ah right, this is the TARDIS - Time-And-Relative-Dimension-In-Space. Travels in time and space exactly as the name says. I’m The Doctor; I’m like, the captain so to speak”

“Whoa” Sam says looking around the TARDIS and soaking every detail of her in “really?”

“Really truly” The Doctor replies.

“Dude” Sam says as he turns to Blaine “you knew the secret to time travel all along and you never told me?! Or even Brittany?! Not cool bro”

“I could get used to this one” The Doctor says “Much less attitude. Although you can’t keep him, pretty as he is, spoilers and such. Don’t let me get too attached will you”

“Um, what? Are you saying I like, die in the future or something?! How long do I have?!” Sam asks, panicking visibly.

“Oh no” Blaine says “No, no. We aren’t- I’m not. You’re not going to die anytime soon Sam, he thinks we’re together - and he’s trying to hint that we’re not endgame.”

“Oh, no we’re just bros” Sam says “I just wanted him to stop being so sad about Kurt.”

“Oh good, for a minute I thought history had thrown me a curve-ball there, not that it hasn’t happened before, but still... And Sam’s right Blaine, you need to put all of this stuff with Kurt on pause for a while - I could take you to the largest bowtie store in the universe? The choice is yours?”

Blaine sighs, caught between the two pairs of enthusiastic, excitable eyes belonging to Sam and the Doctor how can he say no? And it’d be nice to go somewhere where every little detail doesn’t remind him of Kurt, even if his heart aches a little at the thought of travelling in the TARDIS without him, but there were trips in the TARDIS before Kurt and now there will be trips after. As much as it hurts to face the fact that Kurt isn’t coming back.

“Two conditions” Blaine says “We go forwards, because I don’t want to look back. And two: You take me as far away from here as possible.”

“I can do that” The Doctor says “and Sam- oh, I don’t know your last name...”

Blaine can’t help but bark out a laugh at that, but then feels an inevitable after-sting in his chest when he remembers how much Kurt would’ve appreciated that, a joke between them and a beautiful Yuminan girl lost somewhere between the 20 and 21st centuries.

“Evans” Sam says.

“Ah! Sam Evans, nice name has a ring to it... anyway; care to accompany us into the future?”

“The future? Are you kidding me? You’re offering me a trip in a time machine like Back to the Future and you have to ask if I want to come?” Sam says, astonished.

“Well I’m nothing if not polite” the Doctor muses “So I’ll take that as a yes then?”

“Yes times a million!” Sam says, jumping up and down on the spot a little with excitement.

“It’s not like Back to the Future though” Blaine says “it’s much worse; he can actually re-write your life. In fact he’s doing it right now.”

“I promise I’m editing good bits in though” the Doctor promises.

Sam just shrugs “Whatever, let’s get going. I want to see the future!”


Part 2:

crossover, the distance between eternity, life in the fast lane, fic, glee, doctor who

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