i've been putting a lot of thought into this and i've come to a decision. as anyone who actually follows this journal can see, i haven't been around much and i haven't updated very often either. i don't have a lot of time anymore and the interest is slowly depleting. i was going to just delete this, but it wasn't my journal to begin with and that just isn't right to me. if they'd like the journal back, they can find me, but otherwise i'm just closing it. removing all the friends and keeping it around incase i decide to look back on the posts. some of them are amusing and others are ones i'm proud of. i apologize to brittany, even if she isn't around much herself and anyone else who this affects - which i don't think is very many people. i've had fun playing ben and everytime i've done something with him, it's brought me entertainment. i guess this does make way for a new ben to come around, so if that's what is going to happen, good luck and do your thing.