Ryan: Hey
Ryan: Look...here's the thing. I like you.
Ryan: It's been a long time...and I'd really like to hook up with you.
Lindsay: Really. What do you mean by "hook up"?
Ryan: You know...kiss, touch, ummm...have sex.
Lindsay: Well...since I've never had that experience before, I'll have to do some research.
Ryan: Research? You're kidding.
Lindsay: You know the type of person that I am. I need to look at it from all angles...study...learn. There's disease...or pregnancy to consider.
Lindsay: I don't know the first thing about sex.
Ryan: I can save you a lot of time and tell you all that you need to know...right here and now.
Lindsay: Ok...I've seen boy parts...in the museum...and it looks all squishy. How does it get in "there" and stay?
Ryan: Uhhhh...increased blood flow makes a guy's penis get hard...ummm, yeah.
Lindsay: So...how do you know that I won't get pregnant?
Ryan: I'll use a condom.
Lindsay: What are condoms made of?
Ryan: uhhh...latex, I think.
Lindsay: I'm allergic to latex...
Ryan: Ok...I'll pull out before...
Lindsay: Before what?
Ryan: (Oh God...) Uhhh...before I come...
Lindsay: Is that all? Is that all of the choices?
Ryan: Are you on the pill, have a diaphragm...?
Ryan: I didn't think so...
Ryan: There's spermicide...but I can't stand the taste...or the Sponge...
Lindsay: Why would you taste it?
Ryan: Uhhh...I'll explain later.
Lindsay: What's the Sponge?
Ryan: Well, it's a circular...uh, sponge, that you insert and it covers your cervix so that you won't get pregnant.
Lindsay: Ewww
Lindsay: And your penis goes where????
Ryan: it was so much easier in chino...
Lindsay: Actually...I've been on the pill since I was 13...to regulate...you know.
Lindsay: I just wanted to see you squirm.
Ryan: No shit? See me squirm? I'm sweating bullets here...
Lindsay: So...is tonight good for you?
Ryan: Oh yeah...
Ryan: See you tonight!
Lindsay: yes you will...ryan atwood. I'm bringing my handcuffs...
Ryan: Damn Newport bitches...I'm fucking exhausted...