Well, I haven't posted in a while. Not much to say, really... closing on the house tomorrow, moving on Sunday... ok, I guess that's really big. I'm just not the note-taking type. Anyway, for lack of anything better to say... ( a joke: )
One year of Airel. Wow. It seems like so long ago, and yet, like it was only yesterday. From Zipango's to Star India to Wendy's, from getting lost in the woods around Purgatory Chasm to reading by the lake looking up at the trees to buying a car... for a whole year, I've loved her more every single day, and it's been the best year of my life
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I will, once again, make this short... but I was called into a manager's office earlier today to say that yes, they will be hiring me full-time! Man, what a great christmas present! Now for the frequently* asked questions
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For going to some promotional thing at a car dealership the other day, I got a $1000 gift certificate to goshoppingmall.com... now, I was obviously suspicious... and I was right; they make their money on their "shipping and processing" fees. But if you count those as the actual price, the deals aren't all that bad... so, I ask you, my loyal
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Well, it looks like the job market is definitely shifting around... I just got a phone call from the recruiter for the job that I almost got (but they didn't get back to me fast enough). Apparently they're having trouble finding people, and I know they want to fill the position by the end of the month, because the guy they've got in there now is
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Well, I've been looking for a way to say this cleverly, but I just don't have the time right now. So, here goes: I got a job!!! Plus, Airel just moved in with me. Her computer's connected, and we're working on getting her a phone now. Boy, things can change quickly, can't they...
I rarely concern myself with politics, and I rarely express my opinions forcefully... but today, I felt the need to rant. For purposes of this discussion, I will not be using the dictionary definition of rant, meaning to incite violence or emotion, but by what it more commonly means on the internet, which is to go on at length about your views
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