I never did this. HOW DID I NEVER DO THIS.

Jan 03, 2010 22:15


Age: 112. I mean, technically. I feel like much hand-waving should go here.
Birthday: February 21st (not canon).
Height: Tiny Buddha...
Weight: ... minus the belly.
Eyes: Dark gray.
Hair: Brown, but he elects to stay bald.
Medical Info: He has a terrible yet super manly scar on his back from being lightning'd by Azula. HEY LOOK ZUKO WE MATCH. He also goes into the ~* Avatar State *~ when he becomes ludicrously angry. It's like the more spiritual version of hulking out!

Physical traits: Blue arrow tattoos all over his body! ... presumably! i mean look i don't wanna judge the air nomads if they felt it was necessary to put arrows in places that can grow man

What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Spoiler-wise, anything before the finale is fine. Inappropriate for twelve-year old boys-type discussion will be modified for the little Avatar's ears, so no worries about watching your tongue around His Buddhesus.

Abilities: How 'bout the power... to move you? Aang has also mastered the ability to derp around the ladies like a true Avatar male.

Notes for the Psychics: He's an insecure monk with a heart of gold and powers of a demi-god. Aang does a very good job of almost never being a dick.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask/ask/yes/yes.

Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: AANG'S A PRETTY FRIENDLY GUY though his little Avatar heart beats for Katara alone.

Maim/Murder/Death: PM and we'll figure that out.

Emo/Angst/Drama: lol yes

Cooking: Knowledge of many-a vegetarian dish!

disney princess, meme

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