Hello podficcer!
I want to say thank you for doing this for me, I am super looking forward to it! I'm sure it's going to be absolutely amazing!
Likes: Gen/Het/Slash, I enjoy fluffy stuff especially if it involves sharing spaces or items, love accidental marriage on the flip side I also enjoy well plotted fic especially if it involves genres I love (horror/sci-fi/fantasy/mystery, sci-fi&mystery being my absolute favorites). PWP is just fine but I like intense sex/kinky/hardcore instead of fluffy sex (really dependent on the couple as well but honestly if it's well written I'm there for it). Also Pining. Pining is one of my favorite things ever.
Squicks: D/s and powerplay are pretty big squicks for me, I don't care for omega verse or soulmates either.
Steer Clear Of: Genderswap and BDSM aren't squicks but I am super picky about them so it's best to steer clear of them unless you've seen me rec that fic.
Fandom specific:
Bond: Judi Dench!M is my flawless queen. I also enjoy M/Bond, Bond/Felix, Bond/Bond Girls. I am actually not really fond of Bond/Q at this moment.
Nero Wolfe: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. I prefer Archie/Lily and Archie/Saul (or OT3) over Archie/Wolfe but I am super not picky.
Iron Man: Tony/Rhodey is my favorite forever and ever. I also enjoy a Tony/Rhodey/Pepper/Happy OT4 thing going on.
H50: Steve/Danno, Chin being awesome, Kono being the best. Really if it's close the show I'd be fine with Gen/Whatever here. I love them all a whole fucking lot.
Hockey RPF: SID/GENO, Carter/Richards, Eric/Jeff, are my darling babies. I am fine with Tazer/Kaner in the background but would prefer them not being the main couple.
Swimming RPF: Douchebros forever man. Also really enjoy Cullen/Nathan.
I think that's about it. If you have anymore questions Bessyboo can probably gauge my interests pretty well and any questions via the mods are always welcome.
Thank you so much again! I am thrilled and excited for this!
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