
Apr 29, 2012 22:47

Wow I don't even remember half of these but they were bookmarked so I'm sure they were good.


How to Orgy (And How to Not) by pyalgroundblz
Next time Clint has an orgy, he's only inviting people who actually know how to do it right, damn it. (Clint/Coulson/Natasha, Steve/Tony, Steve/Tony/Natasha, Thor/Loki)
[the fact this is something I have bookmarked is the funniest thing to me]


Counts To and From by BlackEyedGirl
Tony wants to celebrate Steven being one year out of the ice. Steven is not so sure.

Degrees of Separation by plingo_kat
Oh god, what if Jarvis infected Dummy with, with emotions. Jesus Christ.

keep the light from passing through by pprfaith

Mr. July by jibrailis
Tony is the only one who can defend Steve's virtue. Tony hates his life.

Ready, Fire, Aim by gyzym
There's no "I" in "Avenger."

Transimpedance Amplifier by feverbeats
Six names Tony had.

Doctor Who

The Girl Who Waited Replies by BlackEyedGirl
Once upon a time there was a man who saved a girl. No. Once upon a time there was a girl. The man (both of the men) came later. She was there first, and she will be there whether the men are or not. (Amy; Amy/Rory)

Where the Lines Overlap by BlackEyedGirl
Rory doesn't think the Doctor has ever dropped by for no reason, and he's pretty sure that he didn't start today of all days (Amy/Rory, Doctor/River)

Game of Thrones

-No Title- by lit_chick08
Gendry is the trueborn son and Arya is Ned Stark's bastard daughter. (Arya/Gendry)

night time, sympathize by eternal_elena
Theon chooses Robb over his life at Pyke and, in doing so, he loses his family, his name, and his home. (Robb/Theon)

With pins in your fingers, you held yourself up high (Sansa/Margaery) by northernqueens


I want to make you move by copperiisulfate (mirai3k)
There's a rhythm in it, a push, a pull, where Gwaine pushes till he can't, till he gets pulled in, maybe even a little bit over his head. (Gwaine/Lancelot)

Rex Meus by pallorsomnium
(complete) [Fantasy AU]
The world is dying. The spreading desert sands threaten to choke out the livelihood of his people. There is talk of a wandering mage, who searches for the man who will save them all. Arthur is skeptical of the existence of either. (Merlin/Arthur)


Misery Bindings by FunkyinFishnet
Mira and Gannicus bond and find what they need as they wait on the mountain with the rebels. (Mira/Gannicus)

Tender Hands by bygoshbygolly
Moments in Saxa and Mira's relationship. (Mira/Saxa)


A Wise Decision by Enigmaforum
He and the Gaul seldom agree on anything but there is one thing that can prevent them from coming to blows.

The Gaining of Gifts by FunkyinFishnet
Nasir learns how to receive and give, freely and equally. He gains much.

Heartlines by aeternium
There is a difference between having your life stolen from you and giving it away freely.

Quiet Observations by Enigmaforum
He finds that memories of the past follow him everywhere. (Oenomaus)

The Weight of Us by aeternium
Agron reconciles his fears of rejection by realizing they are nothing compared to Nasir's.


Be Gentle With Me by swing_set13
(series) [High School AU]
High School is embarrassing for Castiel. Especially if Dean Winchester insists on carrying your books.

Good Things Do Happen by trinityofone
A Winchester Family Christmas, 2010. AKA, Best zombie Christmas ever!

Sam is a Genius (Everyone is Dumb) by peroxide_fic
Dean is doing stuff. Castiel is getting stuff done to him. It seems like the only one who understands what "stuff" actually means is Sam. Sometimes it's hard being the smart one.

TickTock by oatmeal_queen
(complete) [Steampunk AU]
They were nothing but metal and gears; perfect, fluid, precise and meticulous in design. They did not care, they did not love, they did not need assistance. Not like they used to.


Aloha Aku No, Aloha Mai No by queenklu
"-so Gracie puts this flower in my hair and she tells me I look pretty and if I love her I'll wear it all day, and I think, Great, I think, Greatness, because this is my day off and no way would Steve McGarret show up at my door on my day off, right, Steven?" [Hawaii Five-0 | Danny/Steve]

Breath by amaresu
I'll have to find another tower somewhere / And keep away from the windows. [Fairytales | Repunzel]

fandom: supernatural, fandom: ice and fire, fanfic recs, fandom: mcu, fandom: merlin, fandom: spartacus, do i even tag misc things idk

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