Unfinished snippets. From January.
When Sasuke leaves the village to wander Taka goes with him. The other three are strangely hesitant at the start of the journey, as if no one’s really sure how things are supposed to be. Everything’s changed. They are no longer walking a journey with an end goal; all they have now is a place to return to.
Four days into their journey Suigetsu makes a joke that ends with Karin punching him in the face and Sasuke starts to feel like things are settling into place.
Naruto and Sakura sit down to have a conversation about feelings and affection. They eat food and decide they’re just friends and move on with their lives from there.
“I’m not waiting around for when Sasuke comes back,” Sakura will admit, “its better when we’re just Team Seven.” Naruto will nod his head in agreement.
“It’s nice, right?” He’ll say, “to be able to say ‘when Sasuke comes back’.” His grin will shine like the sun and Sakura will smile right along with him. Team Seven reunited again.
[Mass Effect]
“You’re still here,” Shepard says when she wakes up for the first time. Javik sits in the room with her, calm and unconcerned. Out the nearby window she can see a very blue sky.
“I found the shard,” Javik tells her, “you did not have the chance to add to it.” Shepard huffs and winces from the pain of it.
“Wait a while,” she asks, words slightly slurred. “I’ll carry on your traditions eventually.” She starts to drift off; eyes closing slowly as she’s dragged back into sleep.
“I will wait,” Javik concedes.
(Shepard opens her eyes later to a familiar starry sky out her window and a room that seems overwhelmingly quiet and still. She can see Joker asleep in the chair next to her. Her eyes sting with the start of tears; so she closes them and falls back asleep.)
[Dragon Age Origins]
Mahariel raises her bow when the guard first walks out of Anora’s temporary prison. She lowers it the moment she realises it’s Anora. Looking at the queen in disguise the Warden feels a strange sort of admiration.
“You’re short for a guard,” she says with a smirk.
Behind her Morrigan rolls her eyes.
Later, after Sten and Morrigan have broken her out of prison, the Warden asks for Alistair’s opinion on ruling side by side with Anora. His face will change into a look of uncertainty.
“What about us?” he asks gently.
“We never started anything,” she says, a look of confusion on her face.
“I always thought we might.”
“It wouldn’t have lasted,” Mahariel responds but she can’t seem to look him in the eyes when she says it.
Mahariel fights Loghain with two daggers drawn and somehow his strength and expertise will fail against her speed. He lays down his weapon and puts his life in her hands. Alistair demands vengeance and Anora begs for mercy. The Warden looks at Loghain and, through her anger, thinks ‘redemption.’
Alistair’s anger is a curse; Anora’s relief is a blessing.