i don't know if my last submission was within 2 seconds before the time limit, or within 2 seconds after. the difference between those two results would be...
well, as submitted, 10 points for the penalty. if i was late and had not clicked submit though, i could have saved myself 4 points. so with this latest submit i either gained 6 or lost 4, but i will not know until the results are up.
if everything i have is correct (i know for certain about a few of those), i solved puzzles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 13 for a total of 130 points.
i also spent quite some time "figuring out" that puzzle 18 is wrong/unsolvable. which is bad, because it probably isn't. and because it lost me time i could have spent on something more productive :( oh well.