hii. i was asked to make a picture post of my favorite benji pictures. so, here we go. ps. if you guys need a header for this place if you want a layout or something, i can totally do that for you. just because i read that post about the layout under construction and what not.
Look Mommy, I'm ACTIVE! Well, here's a start for the amazingbenjcommunity. And yes, this was posted at gc_pics a little bit ago, but it's so easier than going back and doing it all over again, so bring on the Benjipics.
From the WTW MySpace: White Trash Wednesday's At Element Is Here! Each Week One New Band Will Be Rocking Out At 10:30 PM. After That... It's DJ Spinning And Booty Shaking! Bring Your Fanny Packs, Hockey Hair And If You're Wearing Sunglasses... They Better Be Oakley Blades!!!