(no subject)

May 08, 2004 15:48

Name: Caitlin
Do you like your name?: um….to put it lightly FUCK NO! because i don’t like how it is spelled
Do you know what your name means?: no…..
What would you like it to be?: Caytlyn
If you were the opposite sex, what would it be?: I would want my name to be Johnny, but mom was gonna name me Brice *shudders*
sexual orientation (gay/bi/straight): straight
sex/gender: sex: kinky *jk* imma female and proud !
Birthplace: somewhere in Reedley I think
Nationality: um….a little from everywhere I do believe
Currently living in...: Dinuba, California
Proud of your nationality?: um…if I knew what it was then I’m sure I would be
What nationality would you like to be?: um…Irish…….don’t know why……..
Kind of house you live in: um…..sorta small…not THAT small………comfortable
who do you live with?: my parents……..we are a very hateful family
do you like the area you live in?: no. I want to live somewhere where there is a HUGE venue….
~ favourites ~
colour(s): black, and red, and pick *hot pink, none of that sissy pastelish pink*
food(s): Chinese……I guess………
drink(s): Dr. Pepper and ice water
place: um…San Francisco I do adore, but I would LOVE to go to Europe
weather: as cold as possible without snow
season: dead of winter
clothes brand(s): dickies, and um…….tripp I guess……..
item of clothing you own: all my band shirts, my pajamas *cause imma pajama whore, really, I have like 30 or more pairs…..*
girl's name: Victoria
boy's name: Zachary, Johnny
games console: no real opinion *don’t shoot me Emily…*
video game & video game character: read above
movie(s): Dead Poets Society, Breakfast Club, TNBC, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Say Anything
movie genre (horror, comedy, etc): um…..drama, and comedy
swear-word/curse-word/whatever: fuck, fucker, fucking, etc., etc.
~ least favourites ~
colour(s): white, orange
food(s): spicy stuff
drink(s): grape juice
place: probably here……because it sucks
weather: hot
season: summer
clothes brand(s): um…dunno, but I think Hilary Duff has a clothing line, and so it would have to be whatever that is….lol
item of clothing you own: um…….
girl's name: I have no clue…….
boy's name: I have no clue, but at the moment I hate anything having to do with William…….so WILLIAM!
games console: no opinion *don’t harm me Emily……..*
video game(s): read above
video game character(s): read above
movie(s): um…there was this one…but I cant remember the name……
genre of movie: I don’t really not like any genre
swear-word/curse-word/whatever: I like ‘em all bitch
~ music ~
favourite type of music: punk, rock
favourite band(s): ok, lemme put my TOP favs, so then it wont take me an hour to list them: AFI, GC, Brand New, Blink 182, Incubus, Something Corporate, and more, but I am running out of time to finish this survey
favourite song(s): Dancing Trough Sunday, The Leaving Song, 6 to 8, A Single Second, Cereal Wars, God Called In Sick Today, Seasons, Young and the Hopeless, Only Ashes, Break Myself, Give Me One Good Reason, Okay I Believe You but My Tommy Gun Don’t, The No Seatbelt Song, Say it Ain’t So, and now I should REALLY stop…….
favourite drummer: Adam
favourite bassist: um…….
favourite guitarist: JADE!!!!
favourite male vocalist: DAVEY!!!!!
favourite female vocalist: Gwen I guesses
least favourite genre of music: Hipity-Hop and/or Rap
HIM vs Evanescence: Evanescence
Slipknot vs StoneSour: Slipknot I guess
Coal Chamber vs Devil Driver: um……Devil Driver only because someone said they were good
System Of A Down vs Mudvayne: System of a down
Nirvana vs Muse: Nirvana
Marilyn Manson vs KoRn: Marilyn Manson *babble babble, bitch bitch, sex sex sex, don’t for get the violence….hehehhhehh*
Funeral For A Friend vs Metallica: Metallica
Green Day vs Simple Plan: um………that one is HARD
Rancid vs NOFX: Rancid, baby
Red Hot Chili Peppers vs Foo Fighters: another hard one, but I guess Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blink 182 vs Good Charlotte: like the ULTIMATLY hard decision, but I have to pick GC, of course
Sugarcult vs The Ataris: The Ataris, I guess……….
Linkin Park vs Lostprophets: Linkin Park
~ first word(s) that come to mind ~
penguin: tuxedo
chicken: bone
sock: lost
cabbage: St. Patrick’s day
walrus: Gretchen
gold: bling-bling
goat: Brimstone *from the book I’m reading…*
skull: head
goth: clarissa
pink: black
swirl: lollipop
aqua: team
mega: man
love: bites
knife: cut
heaven: sky
hell: fire
cow: grass
blood: pain
doll: creepy
coal: Christmas
freak: e
mud: puddle of,
tart: sour
~ Rock, Okay, Suck or Not Sure ~
Slipknot: oks
Mudvayne: oks
Murderdolls: oks
Marilyn Manson: rocks!
KoRn: rock
HIM: rock, as far as I can tell
Coal Chamber: not sure
StoneSour: rock
Devil Driver: kinda rock
Evanescence: rocks
The Rasmus: ok…..but NOT when compared to AFI
Blink 182: rocks!!
Rancid: rocks!!
The Distillers: rocks!!
Funeral For A Friend: not sure
Good Charlotte: ROX!!
Probot: not sure
Nirvana: rocks!
Bowling For Soup: rocks
Green Day: rocks!
Simple Plan: rocks!
Linkin Park: rocks!
Nine Inch Nails: rocks!!
System of A Down: rocks
~ chose between ~
our old favourite.. Pepsi or cola?: Pepsi-cola
chocolate or candy?: candy
Ginger beer or cream soda?: cream soda
love or hate?: both
life or death?: depends
heaven or hell?: depends
suicide or homicide? (subtle as a sky scraper, i am.): suicide, but kinda homicide
black or pink?: black
red or blue?: red
Friday or Saturday?: Saturday
enemies or rivals?: both
punk rock or death metal?: punk rock, baby!
gig or party?: gig
late or early?: so late it is almost early
past or future?: def future
e-mail or text?: e-mail
~ have you ever ... ~
smoked?: no
done drugs?: no, not illegally
cheated on your partner?: nay, and never will
done something bad without your parents knowing?: hell yes
lied to the police?: no, but it is my life dream……heheheheeheh
stayed in bed all day? (apart from when you're ill): yea
had an operation?: no
tried to make your own 'jackass'/'dirty sanchez' movie?: no, but it DOES remind me of poor Mickey LMFAO!
been bullied?: um…people are scarred of me……but they call me stuff because of my looks
bullied someone else?: the people who say shit to me, but only verbally
graffitied on a wall?: yea
~ what/who was the last... ~
person you talked to?: my mother
thing you said?: mother
thing you ate?: a gummi donut eheheehheheh
thing you drank?: Dr. Pepper
person you hugged?: Clarissa
video game you played?: no clue… *don’t hurt me*
thing you bought?: my 8 gauge plugs, and a card for mom
programme you watched?: Road Rules/Real World Challenge
film you watched?: Breakfast Clue, or DPS
person you contacted over the phone?: Clarissa
friend's house you visited?: Clarissa
CD you listened to?: Sing the Sorrow *listening to it now* and before that Very Proud of Ya
song you listened to?: The Leaving Song
person you thought about?: Emily, and why she left without saying goodbye….
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