Doctors vs. Guns

Aug 23, 2006 16:27

Gun Control
Doctor control

The number of physicians in the US is 700,000.

Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year is 120,000.

Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. (US Dept. of Health and Human

Now Think About This:
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doctor and gun control

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Comments 3

thebiblicalway August 26 2006, 22:21:45 UTC
Lol. And the great thing about the second amendment is that it actually decreases violent crimes, not increases!

If you make guns illegal the law-abiding citizens stop using them, but then only the law-breaking citizens have guns. That's such a brilliant idea. *says sarcastically* The liberal's "solution": Take the guns away, and set up a police state to keep the criminals in check. Awful.

I think it was the UK that has been recently talking of banning certain kinds of knives.... "The researchers say legislation to ban the sale of long pointed knives would be a key step in the fight against violent crime" (BBC NEWS). Yeah, you might as well put everyone in straightjackets and have 24/7 surveillance to prevent crime. =P

We know what the real problem is with crime from the Bible.


benjyboy August 28 2006, 17:37:22 UTC
I totally agree with you on that.

Just a small proof of that can be seen with what happened with hurricane Katrina. The police came in and took everybody's gun's away and the looters came along a short while later to relieved the poor people of household possessions.

There was one case where there was an old woman sitting in a chair in her house with a gun in her lap. The police came and told her that she needed to evacuate since there was so much looting and plundering. The lady assured him that she would be just fine since she had a gun and knew how to use it. The police asked her to show it to them, which she did, only to have the police grab the gun and body slam her to the ground, where they left her.

The NRA had a party when they got a hold of that story. Go NRA!!!!!!!!!


mchapin August 27 2006, 03:00:04 UTC
Woww!! LOL! That's great stuff bro!


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