things that have happened

Nov 14, 2005 21:08

Things have happened, as they've a wont to do, and here, mes amis, is the official update.

I'm (with many of my friends) in the middle of exams right now, and it's a little bit hard to make myself study. I'm doing better than in other years, though. I'm through three, and aside from the disastrous EE328 exam, I feel I've done pretty well. I haven't been near perfect, though, in any - I have this tendency to sit there at the end of the exam thinking things like "Now, if I were the reluctance in the core of a transformer, how would I be calculated?"... and such. Just one more to go!

My ipod's hard-drive failed completely the other day (3 weeks ago), after many months of striving on its last legs. I was pretty bummed about it at the time, but I've since become philosophical, as they send me a brand new one, which arrived today. Of course I now have to go through the run-down/charge up cycle of irritatedness, but... meh.

The apple "what is the status of my repair order" page is, however, rather useless. Aside from the 3 or so days of "closed" just recently, it stayed for the entire time on "dispatch sent". Not only did it not go through states for all the other states my ipod might have been in (oh I don't know, "examined", "buggered", "we're sending you a new one", for example), but their helpful little key to what all the things that the message might mean did not actually have an entry for "dispatch sent".

I haven't got very much lined up for this holidays in terms of specifics, but I do definitely have a lot of general things I wanted to do/explore. I had planned get some sort of job, but I have to weigh the "I need money to supplement my smallish Centrelink payment" against the "I have to do my work experience (my degree requires approximately 16 weeks of experience in an electronic engineering/computer science related field) either this holidays or the next". I can survive on my smallish Centrelink payment, but the work experience question is an intimidating one. I actually have no idea on how to go about initiating this sort of a search... actually the best idea I have is the yellow pages, and cold calling just intimidates me, all the way back to when I had to get a pizza place job, back in dear old high school. I suppose I shall have to gird myself, and grit my teeth, or just be lazy and do it next holidays.

Also, I have made a resolution to enjoy the sunny weather more this Summer. I always think vaguely the same thing, but come Autumn I've always neglected the sun and such in favour of more indoor pursuits. Not this year. Sunscreen will protect my fair skin, and I shall be going to the beach, walking, cycling, etc, all sorts of things to enjoy the sunny weather. At least, that's the plan.

Til later...
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