A goodbye gift from a FF friend before they left for Valefor. It is old news but least we have the names up of who are the actual culprits. Pokaii, Fifay, Haruse, Shinkai these Singaporeans have NOTHING to be proud of. And you too Epoc. Bunch of fucknuts Zantetsuken LS.
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Comments 13
Bot? bot lor,y? LOL GM them lor,but honestly la,your AV ls I in other server also heard before,I can confirm sure got people bot too lor.
People bot have price to pay already,pay real-life money and risk and worrying getting banned 1 day... let them off la,wa lau only a MMO leh, it will not make a Meteor crash into Earth leh.
For viewers outside Singapore,I used many Singaporalised English in here,so many words I think you all will not understand,but roughly there ok? But I think this Ben if really still consider him as Singaporean should understand ya?Or wanna deny what is Singlish to you? :o
InfiniteMystery of Hades
I can't condorn botting bs.
oh n one more thingo, when zan lag us while we fight nid, i asked people like pokaii nicely can ask ls to move down?
answer from them "oh idk leh"
yes idk leh essy to get away answer.
When people tell me i move my ls down.
I don't hate the ls, i juz hate the diggnity.
Pokaii's answer does not mean he don't want to help u clear lag,what he meant is he really doesn't know about peoples still standing near the mob.
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