since the world is doing it...

Dec 07, 2004 16:00

x. Slept in your bed: my cat? no one really in a while
x. Saw you cry: someone at the funeral probably saw me.
x. Made you cry: nick jennings... even though he didn't really make me cry. what happened to him. you know what i mean.
x. You shared a drink with: i don't recall.
x. You went to the mall with: Elena
x. Yelled at you: i don't recall again.
x. Sent you an e-mail: nikki, the re:lyrics chain thats been going on for a couple years.

x. Said "I love you" and meant it?: i have
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: kita is phsycotic.
x. Been to California: yes, my moms side lives on the west coast, so i think my cousin lives there or something. that was a while ago though
x. Been to Hawaii: not yet.
x. Been to China: nope
x. Been to Canada: not yet.
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: not that i can remember
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: yeah right
x. Had an imaginary friend: noooo

x. Do you have a crush on someone: i don't
x. What book are you reading now: Angels and Demons
x. Worst feeling(s)in the world: well i'm sure i havn't experienced the worst feeling in the world... but that i've experienced, heartbreak.
x. Future son's name: what he looks like, or ben jr. or what my wife/girlfriend/partner wants. maybe it'll jsut come to me when i see him. thats all depending on if i have a son.
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope. i used to
x. What's under your bed: nothing, i have a water bed! bam! but around it is my guitar, magazines, books, papers, etc.
x. Favorite sports to watch: i like watching pool and ping pong on espn. also poker is fun
x. Siblings: samuel
x. location: durr. if your reading this you know where i live
x. College plans: Johnson and Wales most likely, but who knows.
x. Piercing/tattoos: it'd be cool to have a tatoo. or so i'm told. but nothing at the moment.

x. Do you do drugs: i do drug. plus tylenol and stuff.
x. Do you drink: not a whole lot.
x. Who is your best friend(s): john
x. What are you most scared of: death.
x. What clothes do you sleep in: boxers usually
x. Where do you want to get married: someplace real nice. that will make me smile.
x. Who do you really hate: nobody
x. Do you drive: nope. and by nope i mean yup.
x. Do you have a job: MT's! yeah!
x. Do you like being around people: most of the time.
x. Are you for world peace: hahahahahahah!

x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: oh yeah
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: a couple times
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: yeah, no, i donno, someone that likes what i like i guess.
x. Want someone you don't have right now: ugh, not really.
x. Are you lonely right now: somewhat
x. Song thats stuck in your head a lot: channel one suite was all day today.
x. Do you want to get married: it really all depends. but it would be nice if i found the right person.

x. Room in house: tie between my room and the office.
x. Color(s): blue
x. Month: summer months, no doubt.
x. Stone: i'm not really into stones. a skipping stone i'd say.

x. Cried: nooo
x. Bought something: a few things. but not my lunch! yeah free lunch! woo!
x. Gotten sick: nope.
x. Sang: yeh yeh, free bird.
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: of course.
x. Met someone new: a new kid at my work.
x. Missed someone: yes.
x. Hugged someone: no.
x. Kissed someone: negative.

yeah that was fun. minus the fun, plus the repetitive.

i don't really have anything else to say. go the concert on the 18th if your cool and like cool music.
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