Cabin in the woods

Jun 20, 2014 22:49

For a very long time, I have wanted to run away with the boys to a cabin in the woods. Just them and me, but before they were born, it was just me. Just do things separate from everyone, make trips to down for supplies. Sort of Little House on the Prairie style, but more modern.

I finally decided to do it!! I am working on getting this house ready to sell, and I will buy some land, I have patterns for a house (cottage/cabin), and will enlist the help of friends to build it, dig a well, etc. I have acquired a tent trailer to live on the land until the house can be built (should go pretty quickly), and then we'll live in the house. I will order a wood cookstove, which I'm really excited about, and I can finally use my wood stove cookbook! :)

After I'd started planning and brainstorming, I started worrying that I was just trying to run away. That I didn't actually want this, but was trying to make myself happy another way. I realized that, no, I've wanted this since I read the Little House on the Prairie books when I was young. When I was a teenager, I even sent a serious enquiry to the Amish to find out what I had to do to join. Well, I would have to leave my family behind, be below any husband I got (and how would I survive as a single young woman with no family), wear dresses, be religious in a way I didn't necessarily agree with, etc. But it seemed like the only way to live the way I felt right at that point in time.

Over the years, I got myself into mini hobby farming, having my goats and chickens, and such, but not in the way I wanted, really. I started hearing about others doing the same thing I wanted, though. Becoming self-sufficient. Living locally, reducing carbon footprints, etc. Living responsibly.

I've found out more and more, so when I actually sat down to write down my ideas, I filled page after page. I started going online and doing web searches and Facebook searches and getting more and more ideas, but always having a pretty set idea in my head, then adding to it, tweaking, making sense of things, making things possible I didn't think WERE possible (did you know that there are actually stores that sell brand new, ready-to-use wash boards, wash basins, steel bathtubs, wood cookstoves, etc?!?!).

I'm going absolutely crazy over everything I'm finding, in a good way. I'm so excited, and doing so much research.

At first I was worried everyone was going to have freakish responses to what I have been planning. I've had nothing but positive response, with people saying anything from, "I wish I could do that" to "That's actually what WE'RE planning!!"

I visited a root cellar at a friend's parents' farm a couple weeks ago. On the same day, she and her husband also took the boys and me to visit the husband's family's Hutterite colony. That was an unbelievable experience. Very cool! Wow the community and cooperation in that place. It's just amazing! Every new thing I find, I just get more and more excited! It's great.

I'm hoping to make this change happen right at the beginning of September. I wanted the house on the market by the beginning of July, but at this rate, it will be a little longer. So busy, and the kids can be so demanding! I really just need to get to it.

Anyway, I thought you guys would like even more of an update! :) Speaking of busy times!! LOL!


Cabin: (in the 16x24 size)

Anyway, I'll give more details as time goes by. I keep feeling a little overwhelmed, and wondering if I can do this. Then I remember it's really what I feel has always been right for me. I need to make it happen! :)
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