Oct 16, 2003 03:09
i don't have hard drives. i just keep 30 chinese teenagers in my basement and force them to memorize numbers
Oct 15, 2003 03:17
"on the way to california, see my sister carolina
looking out on south dakota, at a field of gladiolas
gonna sell it in the summer, leave behind the floods and winters
letting go of what we've suffered, let it fall away like rain across the plains"
Oct 10, 2003 20:15
sushi, you will never leave me
sushi, you taste so good
sushi, i love you
sushi, i don't have to love you tomorrow
sushi, you will always love me
sushi, you are good with wasabi on you
sushi, you kiss my throat with fishy goodness
sushi, you are mine
*eats more*
Oct 08, 2003 20:24
i feel like i'm making plans for failure sometimes. working my ass off for no financial compensation. i love the work, but i wish it would feed me more than a sense of accomplishment.
in other news the fairsky convention cd is coming along rather nicely... very happy with it so far. mixing two of the songs tonight with nathan rabb.
Oct 06, 2003 19:09
so i slept all day, but i don't really feel bad about it because i've had a fairly productive past few days. ah well, hopefully off to b-ham this weekend. just depends on money situations. in the meantime, i'm going to go eat my pasta now.
Sep 28, 2003 23:10
if anyone reading this is on friendster, my surrender has a friendster page now.. go friend us. the email addy you'll need is
Sep 27, 2003 15:35
i just want to say thank you to everyone who came out last night, you all made for one of the best and most memorable shows of my life. i'm honored to have been a part of it
Sep 17, 2003 19:50
I am now the official master of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 for X Box... FUCK WITH ME!