I haven't updated in forever, I know. I never have time to... I go to school in the morning, and work in the afternoon/evenings... and waste time on youtube. Youtube's the bomb, pretty much
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In response to your question about this week's pictionary:
Musical Context basically means that if in some way shape or form you find something with the object asked shown with ANYTHING to do with music...then it's cool.
For example:
If I'm asking for an orange and you find Kurt Cobain eating an orange, A Foo Fighters concert poster that has a picture of an orange on it, OR even a CD cover with an orange on it...then it's way mucho good.
However, if you give me Saddamn Hussein or George Bush eating an orange, it better be damn well clear that they are doing such at a concert, or listneing to their iPod XD;
Comments 11
Musical Context basically means that if in some way shape or form you find something with the object asked shown with ANYTHING to do with music...then it's cool.
For example:
If I'm asking for an orange and you find Kurt Cobain eating an orange, A Foo Fighters concert poster that has a picture of an orange on it, OR even a CD cover with an orange on it...then it's way mucho good.
However, if you give me Saddamn Hussein or George Bush eating an orange, it better be damn well clear that they are doing such at a concert, or listneing to their iPod XD;
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