Didn't you have to sign an agreement before you were able to get to your journal? I mean that and the fact that servers have now been moved to Russia and LJ falls under Russian laws is not encouraging.
So LJ's servers moved to Russia a few months ago, putting them under Russian law rather than American. That was scary and of course a bunch of Russian dissidents jumped ship to Dreamwidth. The new ToS scares people because they can't read the binding version, that's in Russian, and it includes stuff about keeping minors out of "adult" content - which could well be U-rated queer stuff - and being responsible for commenters to your LJ and etc. Some people I think are worried about being held criminally liable now without US free speech protections or just being deleted. Plus I think a lot of people don't want to support the site now they've done this; they didn't need to move and it put a lot of dissidents at risk.
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