Many might have heard about the
school shooting in Finland:
Five male and two female students at the school lost their lives, as well as the school's head teacher. The shooter, an 18-year-old pupil of the school was armed with a handgun.
Then, in a fine gesture of humanity, some
religious idiot blogs about it (finnish), saying "According to [the
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Comments 4
Oscar Wilde: the Picture of Dorian Gray
Saarnamiehen saamat kommentit oli kylla todella viihdyttavia, mutta toisaalta jotkut meni vahan yli herjassaan. Uskonnollisesti tai uskonnottomasti mitenkaan sitoutumattomana voin vain todeta, etta asiasta voi keskustella jarkevasti, ja kaikilla on oikeus mielipiteeseensa. Yhteiskunta murhasi seka alykkaan toisinajattelijan, etta kahdeksan viatonta.
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