Okay, there's heaps of stuff under here, so I thought I'd be kind and cut it so I'm not commandeering everyone's friends pages. Hope you enjoy observing our efforts as much as we enjoyed constructing them.
This is the first one we did, mostly just me and
megacoleman, but then
tonydotbmp came along and added top-hats. From hereon in it is just the three of us doing all of them.
This is actually the third one we did, I am out of order, my bad.
AH, LOOK! An amusing situation is created by switching layers on and off! How Daring!
Ooh it's Doctor Who! Apparently I was the only person involved here who actually watches the show. You are all missing out, my friends.
Not another amusing layer effect!
I think this one is my favourite, I'm pretty sure it's the one we spent the most time on. Sorry it's so low res so you can't make out the writing very well.
Last one. If you were wondering (like the occaisional rando that logged into our board and logged out immediately afterwards) why they're unicorns and other awesome magical things, it is because when I cleared the board I accidentally made it pink so then me and coleman painted it black simultaneously. I was like "phew, when it's black we paint dark, morbid and macabre things - if it was pink we'd have to paint unicorns and carebears" and I think it was Tony who said that we still could. So we did.
P.S. I promise to upload some of my own personal stuff soon, I've been doing some actual real physical flesh and blo- paint and canvas paintings. Does anyone want to buy me an A3 scanner? That would help me out heaps, kthxbye.