We're all here for a reason. We all have some purpose. And it's not us who should question it.
Every single life is and should be meaningful. And sacred.
Every life, including that of an unborn child too.
Who are we to decide who should live and who shouldn't?
We should be born with some kind of fail-safe that would prevent us from taking our own life too.
I'm pissed right now because my student committed a suicide. Who knows what he could have achieved in life. I'm pissed because a friend of mine had an abortion. Who knows if she didn't kill another Einstein......
I am so sorry about the loss of your student.............I believe there is genuine despair now among young people because they see their future in terms of blackness.......... They have nothing to hold onto................... And you would be right about potential for this student and for the unborn child who was aborted. This young man in this video is here........he was not aborted and because of that fact he can bring hope to others............ Bless his heart
Personally I am against abortions but I think every women have to have a free choice. There isn't in Israel. Means there are legal abortions but the woman has to go to a committee that approves that.
We used to have a very similar student. He didn't have legs and only one short arm with a little hand. He was an intelligent and very cheerful boy. I know that his parents gave him an incredible amount of love and support. He had good friends at school. I think the fact that he wasn't alone was the most important. Then he graduated from university. Now he runs his dad's firm.
Comments 10
((((HUGS))))) you
Every single life is and should be meaningful. And sacred.
Every life, including that of an unborn child too.
Who are we to decide who should live and who shouldn't?
We should be born with some kind of fail-safe that would prevent us from taking our own life too.
I'm pissed right now because my student committed a suicide. Who knows what he could have achieved in life. I'm pissed because a friend of mine had an abortion. Who knows if she didn't kill another Einstein......
I am so sorry about the loss of your student.............I believe there is genuine despair now among
young people because they see their future in terms of blackness..........
They have nothing to hold onto...................
And you would be right about potential for this student and for the unborn child who was aborted.
This young man in this video is here........he was not aborted and because of that fact he can bring
hope to others............
Bless his heart
I have forwarded this compelling video to others.
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