For this city to run like clockwork, the unwavering guidance of deities is more than needed. Fortunately, the City employs five such characters. Unfortunately, they can be just as merciless and confusing as the City itself is. The deities reside in the City just like the residents, but for all intents and purposes, they seem to run the show. Nothing in a place like this, however, could ever be that simple.
Professor Doctor Laszlo Jamf: ex-chemist, -physicist, -psychologist, -pharmacologist, -patriate, -lecturer, -Pavlovian, -researcher, -curious occultist, and -disgruntled assistant to one, Ferocia Coutura, who had the fabulous idea to dump him in the City. Now that the irony's worn off, the City has become to Laszlo one giant Petri dish.
Curses and trades make for interesting case studies, he'll grant you that--and he'll watch you very carefully before, during, and after--but he'd like to get back to his studies on conditioning octopi with bells, not more red tape and paperwork. Of all things, though, he hates covalent bonds with an unmatched passion.
Don't look for him in your science book. Perhaps there never was a Laszlo Jamf.
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Caru That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble, has cost thee monie a weary nibble! Now thou's turned out, for a' thy trouble, but house or hald, to thole the winter's sleety dribble, an' cranreuch cauld. But Mousie, thou art no thy lane, in proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley, an' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, for promis'd joy! Still thou are blest, compared wi' me! The present only toucheth thee: But och! I backward cast my e'e, on prospects drear! An' forward, tho' I canna see, I guess an' fear!
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Bon A pretty little thing with a green thumb that threatens to become a whole green hand, Sabine is a caring, warm figure, at least, to those she cares about. And she does care about you, seedlings, she really does. After all, she wanted this job for a long time. Maybe she's still too naive, or maybe she's just that nice, but she truly wants to help you and make you happy. Easily bribed by flowers and promises, she thinks it's so unfair she has to charge you for her help.
Pity, that. Now, if only you dears would stop ruining her flower gardens. You'd get along much better, no?~
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Rizu Lina is this particular deity's nickname, really. It's short for Quetzallinacoatllinakalilinavalhallalinaatlantalinakawahineliulalinatialina. A mouthful you say? Yes, exactly that. Woe to any that say her full name incorrectly. It is just not worth it. Lina will do anyway. She has an awful lot to say about...everything. Just ask her. She'll gladly tell you at various soundlevels whether you want to hear her or not. Fortississimo is serious business, pianissimo does not exist at all to her. Especially after that hurricane, but that's a secret. Ssssh!
Words, words, words, she loves them! Lina is a lady of many words and she's not afraid to use them to pound her point into the ground if volume alone fails. Her moods are just as hard hitting. It's best to keep the woman smiling and laughing
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Molly If you're drab then you're dead inside. Ferocia, Top Deity and at the front of the runway.
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