Nov 24, 2009 10:03


Although the place hosts pretty much any animal that you'd regularly find in an urban, or wild area (according to climate), there are some creatures that are particular to the City itself.

You're welcome to have your character run into any of the wildlife listed in the comments, or to add to their numbers by filling in the form below:

[creature name]:
[environment]: where can it be found? For a list of available City locations, check out poly_places.
[aspect]: descriptions or links to pictures, rather than pictures themselves, please!
[behaviour]: how is the creature likely to behave before passers by? What about people it knows? If it has particular aggressive or defensive mechanism, please list them here.
[other notes]:

While you're allowed to draw inspiration from creatures featured in certain canons, please use moderation and don't put down anything too canon-specific.
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