May 03, 2006 21:32

A D D / / R E M O V E

If you're ADDING, go right ahead.
If you're DROPPING, please scroll below!


A less spiritually taxing, if perhaps inelegant way of viewing everyone affiliated with POLYchromatic and in the City is to kindly view polychromatic's flist. Otherwise?

Please comment here with friend add characterjournal when you have a new character join. When you have a character leave, please comment here letting us know so we can remove them from the Add list and add'em to the month's Remove List.

It is recommended that you purge your Friend's List once a month or every other month, then copy paste the Add list once again to the Admin Console.

Also, if new players would please note that due to measures taken by livejournal to prevent serial adders, you will be unable to add all the journals at once. We are sadly aware of this, but we cannot do anything more than suggest you either wait the three days to fill your flist, or use the community flist for the time being. It is also suggested that you add each of the following boxes one day at a time, so as not to miss any character journals necessary to your flist. ♥


friend add 100yearsgone
friend add 1charmingangel
friend add 7thborn
friend add aettir
friend add allinhishands
friend add allthefeelings
friend add alwaysadoe
friend add alwaystreasured
friend add am_i_being_rude
friend add anotherbiscuit
friend add antipillar
friend add a_parting_word
friend add aperfectthird
friend add as_damaged
friend add astorminhiswake
friend add awarmachine
friend add awhitephantom
friend add awkwards
friend add azhdarchidae
friend add badhairlifetime
friend add baitswitch
friend add becomingstrong
friend add bedsidemanners
friend add binarysky
friend add bladed_siberian
friend add blastiafreak
friend add bloodcakedarmor
friend add blonderazorshiv
friend add branstark
friend add brobeforehos
friend add byweavinglives
friend add cametolife
friend add char_he_mcgee
friend add child_radical
friend add chosenfake
friend add classywigger
friend add cold_dry_pieces
friend add commarogue
friend add commoneresque
friend add corpsecakes
friend add council_king
friend add coyote_walking
friend add cry_reaper
friend add cursed_ninja
friend add deadliest6
friend add deadly_legacy
friend add deathofdelilah
friend add deathstrumpcard
friend add demonwhisperer
friend add diastereomer
friend add dignity_misery
friend add dillonrockstar
friend add direbunnies
friend add disinheriting
friend add doujin_dork
friend add dr_conscience
friend add drinkslikeanan
friend add dude_imbatman
friend add dulcisnuntius
friend add duplicitas
friend add eagleofautozam
friend add earphonics
friend add eiremagic
friend add everhoping
friend add eversohandsome


friend add faroffdream
friend add fatespoken
friend add favoritetraitor
friend add feorging
friend add forever_captain
friend add forourqueen
friend add fortunes_arc
friend add freewolfmoon
friend add gotashortfuse
friend add greding
friend add guardianjoker
friend add had_not_lived
friend add halflost
friend add haring_to_go
friend add heelsandlaw
friend add he_who_kills
friend add horrible_protag
friend add iacho
friend add iam_thebadwolf
friend add i_invented_dice
friend add illgrowoutofit
friend add immortaltwat
friend add innocentvow
friend add intheblanks
friend add ironiking
friend add ironmanic
friend add is_was_willbe
friend add invisibilities
friend add iwatchtjhooker
friend add jiyuna_togabito
friend add justificarum
friend add kickingupsparks
friend add knaveswitness
friend add knowledgeably
friend add labchocobo
friend add laszlo_jamf
friend add likeboudica
friend add liveontoday
friend add livingmyths
friend add lookjustlike
friend add lovelydragoon
friend add lovesweeds
friend add lyricized


friend add magneticisms
friend add manofgnee
friend add mechanicalmice
friend add mghtbconcussed
friend add mighting
friend add misterblackbird
friend add moregirls
friend add most_qualified
friend add mumbled_truth
friend add mytechskeeper
friend add needleofmyown
friend add never_very_good
friend add no_hometown
friend add notflynn
friend add oceantrauma
friend add officer_garrus
friend add onceaweiss
friend add oneminutemaze
friend add one_that_leads
friend add orangetoughguy
friend add oshutup
friend add othersdie
friend add pacifistnin
friend add pinkfuckingpro
friend add poly_tldr
friend add polychromatic
friend add primrosella
friend add punchedhitler
friend add purpleteleport
friend add pyromatique
friend add raisedroyal
friend add rehymenator
friend add repeatshimself
friend add resentive
friend add ridethecyclone
friend add riseto
friend add ronderotarel
friend add rumblelina
friend add ruthless_hunter


friend add saidrepent
friend add saturates_space
friend add seesbydoing
friend add sempreadagio
friend add servessithis
friend add shall_yield_us
friend add shifts
friend add shiverandsing
friend add sitaronthewater
friend add specifics
friend add spinorfall
friend add srslynotguy
friend add stargathering
friend add starshipmedical
friend add startraveling
friend add stopbleepingme
friend add stupidgenes
friend add tainted_loyalty
friend add tangledintower
friend add tampered
friend add team_sociopath
friend add the_dawnster
friend add thekidsare0kay
friend add theshinjukucroc
friend add thestormking
friend add threadthefire
friend add toonurturing
friend add totallyinaband
friend add trollsbackwards
friend add twisthervision
friend add undespairing
friend add unborn_of_this
friend add valentineluke
friend add veritamania
friend add verysmallpig
friend add vicodincrutch
friend add virginblade
friend add vitalistic
friend add waitedforyears
friend add waitsforever
friend add wandbreaker
friend add whackaspirit
friend add whattingawhat
friend add whitetwoguns
friend add whithersoevergo
friend add wind_magic
friend add wishgrant
friend add withloadedguns
friend add wut_the_flux
friend add zombiefree


friend remove adamantined
friend remove andchoice
friend remove blessed_ninja
friend remove thesquatmaster


friend add awarmachine
friend add drinkslikeanan
friend add eversohandsome
friend add forourqueen
friend add invisibilities
friend add kickingupsparks
friend add most_qualified
friend add no_hometown
friend add purpleteleport
friend add wut_the_flux


[name of dropped character]:
[series of dropped character]:
[apartment/residence of dropped character]:
[lj username of dropped character]:

Please delete your character information off the TAKEN LIST when you drop.

Thank you for helping us!

Updated 01/09/12
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