Your character may choose a residence from any of the established places of residence simply by signing up. It is expected that all characters who are old enough and able to work will pay rent, but we do not require it to be a huge part of your gameplay. Consider rent to be an RP opportunity if you want, or simply come up with a plausible assumption to work with.
Instructions: If you are part of the game please click on the building you wish your character to inhabit, complete the fill-out asking for the character's name, series, as well as apt number, and then comment directly into the building post.
Please note that while mod permission is not needed before claiming a non-Building apartment, if you are considering a residence such as the Opera House or Cathedral, we ask you to either contact one of the residents directly through IM or email or to put a post in poly_tldr directed to all of the residents. This will ensure that there is no IC difficulty with your character taking up residence there.
If your character is living in a place that isn't one of the 12 Buildings or isn't an already established location (such as the Opera House or Cathedral), you are NOT required to post their place of residency to Destinations unless you really want to.
Building 1►
Building 2►
Building 3►
Building 4►
Building 5►
Building 6►
Building 7►
Building 8►
Building 9►
Building 10►
Building 11►
Building 12 ►